Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #80
April 3, 2024 - Category: News, Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Food IS the best medicine. It’s the backbone of the metabolic (Biorepair) approach we have supported now for over 50 years. A well balanced diet strengthens and energizes immune function — our innate healing capability that protects us against disease.But, sometimes, for those struggling with a severe chronic or autoimmune condition, more than just the…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #80
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April 3, 2024 - Category: News, Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
We’ve have seen a lot of dark days in the last year and a half, but there have been glimmers of light as some folks have used the time to rethink the way we do things. One example has to do with how we treat people in prison and prepare them for life beyond incarceration.…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #79
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May 13, 2021 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Mother Nature is darn smart. If only humans would work more with her to solve pressing problems. Take, for example, global warming and whales: The carbon capture potential of whales is truly astounding. Each one of these mammals, the largest living beings on earth, can accumulate some 33 tons of CO2 during an average 60 years…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #78
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February 5, 2021 - Category: News, Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
For months “experts” have told us that the best things we can do to counter Covid-19 are wear a mask, social distance, wash hands. Not once have we heard a public health official emphasize, much less mention, the prime importance of a good diet along with exercise, sleep and other lifestyle factors. So it was…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #77
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February 5, 2021 - Category: News, Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
We sincerely hope that all of you have been taking good care of yourselves and each other during these extraordinary, challenging times in the U.S. and around the world. As we have so often emphasized, we trust that your focus is always on supporting and strengthening your innate healing capability (with a nutrient-rich diet as…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #76
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September 20, 2020 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
All our F.A.C.T. Annual Cancer/Nutrition Conventions — over 4 decades — have had the same theme: “Enhancing Host Resistance.” That phrase will never go out of style. We can never know exactly what life will throw our way, but one of the best, time-tested means to prepare is a strong defense, i,e., all systems operating…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #75
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March 3, 2020 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
“Our country faces a national nutrition crisis. Our food system is a major cause of poor health, ever-rising healthcare costs, strangled government budgets, diminished economic competitiveness of American business, reduced military readiness, and hunger and disparities. Americans of all backgrounds see these problems, and are hungry for and value leadership to create lasting solutions.”So begins…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #74
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March 3, 2020 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Most women dread mammograms, as well they should. Not only is the experience uncomfortable, time-consuming and anxiety-inducing, the diagnostic is increasingly acknowledged to be inaccurate, ineffective and, in many cases, harmful.So here’s a hot new idea: mammogram boutiques! Many medical clinics across the country are creating spa-like spaces designed to entice reluctant women to submit…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #73
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March 3, 2020 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #72
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June 10, 2019 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Several newsletters ago, we printed an article about the new 5G cellular technology — the incredible hype around it AND the shocking lack of interest by industry and government in the potential dangers it poses to human health and the environment.Now, at least, someone in government is asking the right questions. In February, at a…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #71