Mother Nature is darn smart. If only humans would work more with her to solve pressing problems. Take, for example, global warming and whales:
The carbon capture potential of whales is truly astounding. Each one of these mammals, the largest living beings on earth, can accumulate some 33 tons of CO2 during an average 60 years of life. When they die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean, keeping that CO2 out of the atmosphere for centuries. Moreover, wherever whales are found, phytoplankton thrive because whale waste contains nutrients like iron and nitrogen that phytoplankton need to grow. Whales also stir minerals up to the ocean surface through their vertical motions, called the “whale pump,” which has a multiplier effect on phytoplankton growth. These microscopic creatures supply at least 50% of all oxygen to our atmosphere by sucking up some 37 billion tons of CO2 — an estimated 40% of all CO2 produced. This is equal to the amount of carbon captured by 1.7 trillion trees — 4 Amazon forests’ worth!
If whales — currently about 1.3 million — were more protected and allowed to return to their pre-whaling numbers of 4 to 5 million, the amount of phytoplankton in oceans would also significantly increase atmospheric oxygen and carbon sequestration. Why not devote more resources to increasing the whale population — cleaning up the oceans, regulating hi-speed, gas-guzzling ships that kill so many whales each year? Why not apply more earth-friendly thinking to other weighty problems, like how to produce abundant healthy food without defiling our air, water and soil or ways to treat/prevent disease without toxic synthetic drugs that can lead to unintended consequences? (Hint: regenerative agriculture, food as medicine)
In the meantime, listen to this podcast on “The Value of Whales and Every Other Breath,” and, while you’re at it, sign the “Save the Whales” petition.
To your health,
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)
P.S. These have been difficult times on the planet. But we are hopeful because it’s given many of us a chance to rethink ways of living and relating to each other. We hope you share these “new eyes” and thank you for your continued support. Remember to sign up for Amazon Smile and and we’ll “see” you, as always, on Facebook, Twitter and our YouTube channel.
Stop the Celery Powder Con! Newsflash: everything found in health food stores is not necessarily good for your health! Case in point: celery powder. Perhaps you’ve noted it on the ingredients list of foods like organic “uncured” or “no nitrate” bacon, hot dogs, salami and such. Perhaps you’ve even thrilled at the idea that these conventionally taboo meats, full of potential cancer-causing nitrates, are now available in wholesome, life affirming form. That, however, would be wrong. Due to the vagaries of organic rules and market forces, the organic versions of these items are just as hazardous to your health as the standard processed fare. READ MORE |
Be Kind to Your Liver — The Body’s Real Workhorse By Ruth Sackman, Founder and Former President of F.A.C.T. The heart is considered by medical standards the most important organ of the body because, if it stops beating, we die. But the liver is the real workhorse. It has about 300 tasks to take care of and, when it’s working properly, our overall health is enhanced most efficiently. Nearly every human ailment relates directly or indirectly to the health of the liver. READ MORE |
Niksen — The Dutch Art of Doing Nothing
We live in a fast-paced, hi-stress world where people are too often working long hours, suffering from exhaustion, anxiety and burnout. To counter this, medical professionals in the Netherlands have been prescribing a strategy called niksen — a word that literally means “to do nothing, to be idle or doing something without any use.” In short, nothing-ing. Practicing niksen in brief intervals on a regular basis is becoming increasingly popular —not only as a respite from the daily drill, but as a surprising wellspring of inspiration and creativity. READ MORE
Ginger Snaps
Arrowroot flour is a very versatile, gluten- and grain-free powder. Extracted in traditional ways — no high heat or chemicals — from the tropical plant known as Maranta arundinacea, similar to cassava, yucca or kudzu, it can be used as a thickener or mixed with almond, coconut or tapioca flours for bread and dessert recipes. Extremely digestible, it contains more fiber than other starches, like potatoes, and a generous amount of potassium, iron, B vitamins — all important for metabolism, circulation, immune function.
1 1/2 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight or sprouted, preferably organic
1/2 cup butter, from grass-fed cows
1 cup arrowroot flour, look for high quality like organic Bob’s Red Mill
1 egg, pastured
1/2 cup organic coconut crystals (natural sweetener)
1 Tbsp. pure water, preferably distilled
1 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. unrefined sea salt
1. Drain almonds, if soaked. Pulse in a food processor until ground into coarse flour.
2. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Form into balls the size of a ping pong ball and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
3. Bake at 300 F. for 20 minutes total. After 5 minutes, remove and press each ball lightly with a fork. Return to the oven for another 15 minutes.
4. Let snaps cool and then store in an airtight container in the ’fridge. You can place a few slices of orange peel to retain moisture and add an extra orangey essence.
With thanks to The Healthy Home Economist