A Different Concept of Health and Disease
January 11, 2021 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Will a Covid-19 vaccine, developed at unprecedented speed, restore health and normality to a world in trauma? As of August 2020, over 165 vaccines are in the process of evolution worldwide, some 32 of which have been entered into human trials. And now in early January 2021, several of these have been approved for implementation,…Covid Vaccine Concerns
...September 15, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease, Book Reviews
Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of BiologyBy E. Douglas HumeReviewed by Consuelo Reyes, President of F.A.C.T.In his classic work The Stress of Life, Hans Selye, M.D., quotes these words of Louis Pasteur, famed proponent of the Germ Theory of disease, on his deathbed: “Le germe n’est rien, c’est le terrain qui…Big Holes in the Germ Theory
...July 22, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
There is a school of thought about germs that differs radically from the germ theory of disease based on the work of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). And Pasteur's germ theory is what most of our medical care today is based on.Pasteur believed that germs were the cause of disease and, therefore, the primary goal of treatment…Are Germs Really the Problem?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Recently, a magazine writer who sat through a series of my talks asked, "Where are the doctors for this new approach to health care you've been talking about?"This new profession is not yet in existence. Or, if it exists, it exists in embryo form--growing, developing, receiving nourishment from the ideas and experiences of thousands of…A New Breed Of Doctor – A New Breed Of Patient By Dr. Bernard Jensen
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
For centuries people have been finding solace and joy futzing around in their gardens. Now, in the 21st Century, science has figured out why.Researchers have long theorized that the sharp rise in autoimmune conditions, like asthma and allergies, could stem from living too clean (the "hygiene hypothesis"). The idea is that routine exposure to harmless…Why Dirt Makes Us Happy
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
"What should I watch for?" is a question I am often asked by mothers when their children are working through an acute inflammatory illness. Many mothers don't trust themselves to discern the difference between a routine illness that can be managed at home and one that requires a visit to the doctor.In my experience, mothers…What Should I Watch For? By Philip Incao M.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
We get many emails from people seeking individual medical help but as a nonprofit, educational organization, FACT cannot legally dispense specific medical advice. Moreover, our global presence now on the web renders individual phone contact impossible. In our "brick and mortar" days, we could handle quite a number of calls, but, in this digital incarnation,…What Is the Point of RethinkingCancer.org?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
We're all aware of the repeated advice "Don't go in the sun, you'll increase your risk of sunburn and skin cancer," and by and large we believe this is true. Cancer organizations link UV exposure to various types of skin cancer with Melanoma linked particularly to intermittent sun exposure, however there are a few anomalies…What Causes Melanoma Cancer — Is It All About the Sun? By Miles Price
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Healthy cell production is the goal of the Biorepair/metabolic program that F.A.C.T. has supported for the last 46 years. This system naturally repairs and rebalances body chemistry, including energizing the immune system to the greatest extent possible in order to remove abnormal/cancer cells. F.A.C.T. also recognized early on the value of Immune Augmentation Therapy (I.A.T.),…Warning: Big Pharma “Discovers” Immunotherapy!
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
I once saw a young African man in my practice who impressed me with his calm dignity and his radiant good health. I asked him what his parents had done when, as a child, he had come down with a fever. He replied that they had wrapped him in blankets to get him sweating. "Did…Understanding Infection: Not a Battle, But a Housecleaning By Philip Incao. M.D.