A Different Concept of Health and Disease
May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
For at least one hundred years established cancer research and treatment has been based on the principle that only one cell in the body needs to become abnormal for it to reproduce itself to form a cancer mass. Research based on this concept has produced treatments that charge into these cells or masses to kill…Cancer, Cancer, Everywhere! Is There is No Relief in Sight? By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
If we want to arrive at good conclusions about immunity, we have to be sure we are asking the correct questions, and in the correct order. If we start by asking, "Are vaccines good or bad?" or "Which vaccines should we give and are they safe?" we are putting the proverbial cart before the horse.…A Wider Angle on Vaccines and the Immunity Thing By Barbara Cáceres
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
It's a depressing thought - the idea that regardless of what we do, our genetic make-up predisposes us to certain health problems. The problem with this thought, however, is: cutting edge science is telling us that it simply is not true!From 1990 to 2003 millions of federal dollars were spent on the Human Genome Project.…Are Genes Destiny?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Practitioner Directory, but there is still a tremendous need for more. Here are some of his thoughts:The doctor of the future will influence the political process and the food and drug laws. He will see that restaurants do not serve food that brings on degeneration. He will have a voice in food processing, manufacturing and…A New Breed of Doctor By Alan H. Nittler, M.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Understand It!“I’ve never had a cold in my life,” boasted a 75-year-old man. (Five months after making this statement he was dead with cancer.) He had adopted a superior attitude toward his wife, who was constantly bothered with colds. Every winter, and all winter long, she suffered with coughing and sneezing, with dripping nose and…New Cure for the Common Cold
...May 4, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Hippocrates is widely acclaimed today as the "Father of Medicine". M.D.s take the Hippocratic Oath when they are about to enter medical practice. We all know the name, but who was the man?Hippocrates was a physician born in 460 B.C. on the Greek island of Cos. He had an investigative mind and disproved the common…Who Was Hippocrates?