Balanced Diet
May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
If you need another reason to kick the soda habit, here it is. Research published online in the FASEB Journal (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) shows that high levels of phosphates may add more fizzle to sodas and processed foods than previously thought. New evidence shows that ingesting these accelerates signs of aging…Why Junk Food Is Aging By Michael Pollan
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Organic Food is More NutritiousOrganic foods, especially raw or non-processed, contain higher levels of beta carotene, vitamins C, D and E, health-promoting polyphenols, cancer-fighting antioxidants, flavonoids that help ward off heart disease, essential fatty acids, and essential minerals.On the average, organic food is 25% more nutritious in terms of vitamins and minerals than products derived…Why We Should All Eat More Organic Food By Organic Consumers Association
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
There is a big trend on in America today. That trend is food fortification. The public has suddenly become aware of the merits of nutrition and they are demanding fortification.Now let me state the case succinctly. If a food is so impoverished, so weak and puny, so devoid of nutritive qualities that it must be…Why food fortify? By Max Warmbrand, N.D., D.O.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Michael Pollan, author, activist and professor of journalism at the University of California-Berkeley, has been speaking out about food, nature and culture for over 25 years. In 2010 he was named to the TIME 100, the magazine's annual list of the world's 100 most influential people. Here he offers common sense answers to some frequently…To Buy or Not to Buy Organic? By Michael Pollan
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Have you noticed that a lot of people these days are talking about eating low on the glycemic index? Depending on your frame of mind, this could be either very annoying or kind of cool. Of course, it’s possible they really don’t know what the heck they’re talking about. So what is the glycemic index…What Is the Glycemic Index?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Insects are creatures of Nature and, therefore, have every right to exist. However, as fellow inhabitants on this earth, we humans have a right not to be bitten! Here are some natural ways to repel those pesky bugs without harming them or us:Citronella (Cymbopogon citratus) oil is an age-old repellent that deters houseflies, ticks and…Bug Off! – Repelling insects (Naturally)
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
A recent New York Times article surveyed a panel of nutrition “experts” and the general public about which foods they thought were good or bad. There was vast disparity between, as well as within, the two groups. Foods that the “experts” generally considered less healthy (e.g., granola bar, coconut oil, frozen yogurt, granola) were considered…What Is a Healthy Diet?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Most of us have a passing knowledge of vitamins and minerals, but enzymes — the microscopic elements that are essential for breaking down our food components so that nutrients are available for energy, cell production and cell repair — are still a fairly foggy area. When vitamin or mineral deficiencies occur, too often many of…So What Do You Know About Enzymes?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Would you be surprised if a vitamin deficiency was created because of the intake of too many vitamins instead of too little? Well, one can do just that by using vitamins improperly. Excesses are as harmful as deficiencies and overdoses deplete essential synergists causing imbalances.With the greater appreciation that nutrition is important in maintaining and…Vitamins – Use and Misuse By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Balanced Diet
Nowadays, trendy restaurants and food stores know that customers are partial to foods that are healthier for humans and the environment than the typical "factory" fare. So, perhaps you've noticed that more and more menus are adorned with terms like "grass-fed" or "pasture-raised" steak, "organic" seafood, "free-range" chicken. These labels sound nice, but what do…What Do Those Food Labels Mean?