Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Donate to Rethinking Cancer

Rethinking Cancer is a non-profit organisation and are able to operate only via donations from our users and supporters so please consider donating to Rethinking Cancer.

If you can donate to rethinking cancer then you’d be helping us to create and provide more research and information to a wider array of people so they can be informed like you about how they may also be able to beat cancer with alternative cancer therapies.

Contributions and Payments are made to F.A.C.T.

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PO Box 1172
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113

All proceeds from donations, sale of the DVD, and the books Healing Cancer,  Triumph Over Cancer, Rethinking Cancer, and Detoxification are U.S. tax-deductible. Your contributions help to fund F.A.C.T.’s educational efforts. Every dollar helps us disseminate information about the effectiveness of a biological approach to preventing and overcoming disease. F.A.C.T.’s mission is to encourage doctors to provide their patients with the full range of viable medical options.

FOUNDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT IN CANCER THERAPY (F.A.C.T.), is the sponsor of Rethinking Cancer and Detoxification – a Sensible Method for Maintaining Optimum Health. Founded by Ruth Sackman in 1971, F.A.C.T. has been dedicated to educating physicians and patients about a different concept of cancer and chronic degenerative conditions: whether dealing with breast cancer, lymphoma, Lyme disease – it is a systemic disease. Tumors or abnormal cells are symptoms of a biochemical imbalance in the body, and that imbalance can be corrected with a well-designed, individualized metabolic program. Your contributions will go to continued educational efforts including supporting the film, growing the website, and outreach to patients and physicians.