The founder of F.A.C.T. is Ruth Sackman who served as President and Co-Founder of FACT for 37 years until her death in December 2008.
As a young woman, Ruth Sackamn began as a seamstress and ultimately achieved success as a designer. With this success, she dedicated herself to raising her children and became active in her community.
Ruth’s life abruptly changed when her daughter Arlene was diagnosed with acute leukaemia. Despite Ruth’s full-time dedication, Arlene died a year later, after undergoing traditional chemotherapy. The loss set Ruth on her lifelong quest to find another, better way to treat cancer.
In 1971, Ruth and her husband Leon Sackman co-founded FACT from their home in New York. Being head of FACT gave Ruth the opportunity to hear from literally thousands of cancer patients worldwide over the years, as they experienced the multitude of treatments available in both the conventional as well as non-conventional cancer areas. This gave her a vast understanding of these many therapies.
Ruth also personally investigated and consulted with hundreds of practitioners and medical clinics around the globe. She hosted a call-in health program on nationally-syndicated radio, as well as being a frequent guest on radio and TV shows nationwide, and was editor-in-chief of Cancer Forum, FACT’s quarterly magazine.
Ruth authored two books that present FACT’s guiding principles and the case studies of patients who followed FACT’s protocol and have rid themselves of disease. This is the core inspiration for the documentary, Rethinking Cancer.