Food as Medicine
April 12, 2021 - Category: Food as Medicine
Stop the Celery Powder Con! Newsflash: everything found in health food stores is not necessarily good for your health. Case in point: celery powder. Perhaps you’ve noted it on the ingredients list of foods like organic “uncured” or “no nitrate” bacon, hot dogs, salami and such. Perhaps you’ve even thrilled at the idea that these…Stop the Celery Powder Con!
...September 15, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Ashitaba is an adaptogen — an herb or substance that assists the body in easing stress, normalizing function and, thus, helping to relieve a wide range of health issues. Adaptogens automatically go to where they’re needed most. They know what to do.Ashitba is a superstar adaptogen, considered among the elite 1% of all medicinal plants.…Ashitaba — Live Better Longer
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Raw (unpasteurized/unhemogenized) milk has been a staple of healthy nomadic and agricultural societies going back as far as 9,000 years. Today, in Europe and many other countries raw milk products are readily available and highly valued for their life-sustaining properties. Yet in the US, the sale of raw dairy is banned or severely limited in…Why the War on Raw Milk?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Most people are naturally drawn to the taste of sweet. Perhaps this sends a message to the brain that you will get energy to carry on. But a bitter taste emits a very different signal - on guard, this could be poison! Here's the bitter truth: bitter foods in small doses have tremendous health benefits.Welcome…Why a Little Bitter Is Better
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
So it's a little staged. And the delivery a bit stilted. But the message comes through loud and clear: If your potatoes aren't organic, they've been sprayed with chlorpropham . . . a toxic chemical that doesn't just sit on the vegetable's skin, but permeates the entire potato. Chronic exposure of laboratory animals to chlorpropham…Which Potato Would You Eat? A Third-Grader’s Experiment
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Honey has been coveted for food and medicine down through the ages. Over 300 types exist on the planet and manuka is the best of the best — and currently enjoying a boom in worldwide popularity. There is, however, a downside. The explosion in demand has led some manufacturers to engage in shady dealing. According…What’s the Big Deal With Manuka Honey?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
There is little doubt that poor food choices play a major role in today's epidemic of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic degenerative diseases. But is eating like cavemen the answer?The Paleo diet is "hot" these days. It's the latest health trend since vegan and gluten-free became "in" with the celebrity chef and movie…What About the Paleo Diet?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Bone broth is hot! It's the new comfort food "to go" - the hot cuppa replacing expresso and chai in coffee houses, or on tap while you wait at butcher shops to get bones, knuckles, necks, chicken feet, and other cartilaginous parts to make your own home brew.A healthy trend, but nothing really new. Bone…Bone Broth – Traditional and Trendy
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Humans have been harvesting salt from the sea for at least 8,000 years. A precious, hard sought commodity, salt was considered "white gold" - essential for food preservation, especially meats, proper digestion and flavoring bland foods, an antiseptic. In Roman times, the word for salt ("sal") came from Salus, "goddess of health." Soldiers were paid…The Worth of Your Salt
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
We may never be able to completely eliminate the presence of toxic chemicals in our environment, but we can reduce our exposure by paying attention to those things we can control, like personal care and home cleaning products, and, especially, the food we eat.With this in mind, a food coop in Sweden challenged a typical…The Organic Experiment