Food as Medicine
May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Honey is one of the oldest foods known to man, mentioned on cuneiform tablets back in 2,100 B.C., when written history began. Presumably, it was used way before then because bees have been busy producing their "liquid gold" for as long as they've been pollinating plants, which is a long, long time! But, while ancients…Honey – The Sticky Solution – A history and guide
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
In the early 1980's, someone sent this list to the FACT office comparing what was then perceived as "health nut" behavior vs. so-called "normal. "Rereading it now in 2014, over 30 years later, we realize the "nut" activities don't sound particularly far out now, while the "normal" stuff seems pretty dated. Can it be that…“Health Nuts” vs. “Normals”?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Heads up: a new kind of apple could soon be on supermarket shelves near you. It's the GMO "Artic" Apple, owned by Intrexon, the company that brought us the GMO salmon and GMO mosquito, with peaches, cherries, pears and more in the pipeline. The apples, expected to be approved by U.S. Department of Agriculture later…Will the New GMO Apple a Day Keep the Doctor Away?
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Never before in the history of humankind has sugar, in one form or another, been consumed on the level that it is today. Americans take in on average 130 pounds a years – 5 times the amount eaten 100 years ago; world consumption has tripled in the past 50 years. After all, it's cheap, highly…Fructose – More Than a Little Is Too Much
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Cucumbers are a wonderful food. About 90% water, they contain an impressive array of vitamins - C, A, K, B5 - and minerals - potassium, magnesium, manganese - which fight inflammation and infection, produce energy, and strengthen bone and heart health. Recent studies have also shown that cucs contain powerful lignans that contribute to reduced…Don’t Eat All the Cucumbers!
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is so common, it's often dismissed as a pesky weed, but that would be gross defamation of character. This plant (whose name comes from the French for "lion's tooth" because of its jagged leaves), has been used therapeutically for centuries to treat infections and kidney disease, increase bile flow, correct liver problems,…Dandelion – A “Weed” Worth Cultivating
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Coconut contains a lot of fat - 82%, 76% of which is saturated, the so-called "boogie- man" of fats which, we've been told, clogs arteries and wreaks all other kinds of heart havoc. Thus, we've been told, more than a little coconut is bad. BUT that would be wrong!The saturated fat in unrefined coconut is…Coconut – Fat Burner Extraordinaire
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Not too long ago, the news rang out: chocolate, the quintessential decadent pleasure, is actually good for our health! Mass rejoicing ensued, as all manner of chocolate bars flew off the shelves. Unfortunately, the media neglected to point out that the good news had nothing to do with the typical commercial, highly processed, sugar and…Cocoa – The Real Deal
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
It may not be the most prepossessing of fruits, but the prune, a.k.a. dried plum, has an inner beauty that you won't want to miss. Most significantly, it contains nutritional factors that can improve gut health and help lower your risk of colon cancer.A new study by Texas A & M has highlighted regular consumption…Cheers for Prunes!
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Food as Medicine
Capsicum, commonly known as cayenne, takes its name from the Greek kapto, "to bite," a reference to the hot pungent properties of the fruits and seeds. Introduced from India into Britain in 1548, the plant has now become a culinary staple in kitchens worldwide. It"s less known, perhaps, as a powerful and versatile home remedy.The…Cayenne (Capsicum) – Hot Stuff to the Rescue!