Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

What Is the Point of

We get many emails from people seeking individual medical help but as a nonprofit, educational organization, FACT cannot legally dispense specific medical advice. Moreover, our global presence now on the web renders individual phone contact impossible. In our “brick and mortar” days, we could handle quite a number of calls, but, in this digital incarnation, we simply do not have the facilities to manage the large volume. So how should someone, perhaps in the throes of a cancer diagnosis, take advantage of all that’s here?

Our goal is to help you become wise medical consumers. First and foremost, if the Biorepair concept, embodied on the site, makes sense to you, you’ll need to become as knowledgeable as possible about this very logical, comprehensive approach, which means exploring the vast resources available – FAQs, articles, audios, videos, books, etc. You’ll want to be armed with a clear understanding of this system. Then, you’re best prepared to be relaxed and in charge of your own healing, which is the key to successful long-term recovery, as illustrated in our film, Rethinking Cancer.

You’ll also be best positioned to choose a competent medical advisor, beginning, perhaps, by phone or email interviews with listings on our Practitioner Directory, or other sources. We are very selective about these listings and, therefore, only slowly adding more names, so you may not find something in your immediate area. It’s good to partner with a trusted advisor, but not necessary that you’re both in the same physical location. Many people have a local conventional doctor for diagnostic work and consult by phone with their advisor.

It takes courage, conviction and in-depth understanding to go counter to conventional medical thinking. Unfortunately, there’s a tsunami of information and misinformation out there – alternative, as well as conventional – that can hijack your success. Be prepared! Your journey will be a whole lot easier if you are clear on what you’re looking for.

FACT’s over 40 years of experience, including feedback from thousands of patients worldwide, have taught us that just because something flies under the “Alternative” banner, it is not necessarily effective or harmless. Some such substances or techniques may be helpful for some people, but many can impact negatively over time and/or are limited because they’re similar in focus to conventional treatments, i.e., just killing cancer cells or alleviating symptoms by blocking or interfering with natural processes and failing to address the systemic cause of the problem: abnormal cell production. Many are highly touted “magic bullets” – botanicals, super foods, supplements – that may contain valuable properties, but can overstimulate, exhausting valuable energy, and lacking in the full range of raw materials that our amazing, complex bodies require. There are some toxic “alternatives” that have briefly achieved that label simply because they were rejected by conventional medicine, but, inevitably, problems emerged and they faded into oblivion. In short, it’s a bit of a crap shoot out there.

You are in charge of your own healing. Without clear direction, you’ll be bobbing around in a sea of options, squandering valuable time and resources trying to make sense of it all. If Biorepair feels like the approach you want to take, it is our sincere hope that this site will give you the compass you need to get through the deluge and achieve your goals.