Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Warning: Big Pharma “Discovers” Immunotherapy!

Healthy cell production is the goal of the Biorepair/metabolic program that F.A.C.T. has supported for the last 46 years. This system naturally repairs and rebalances body chemistry, including energizing the immune system to the greatest extent possible in order to remove abnormal/cancer cells. F.A.C.T. also recognized early on the value of Immune Augmentation Therapy (I.A.T.), pioneered in the early 1960s — to much derision — by Lawrence H. Burton, PhD., who injected cancer patients with natural immune components to boost immunity. The use of I.A.T. adjunctively with Biorepair in appropriate cases was shown to be capable of producing good, long-term results.

The orthodox medical community, however, only became aware of the role of the immune system in cancer around the early l980s when it was found that transplant patients, who had to take immunosuppressive drugs, developed cancer at far higher rates than the general population. Yet, chemotherapy and radiation, clearly known to depress immune function, continued to be the primary cancer protocols, as they were for most of the 20th Century.

But now, many decades later, the New York Times reports big news: conventional medicine is on the cutting of immunotherapy, thanks to an “utterly transformative” genetic-engineering technology which is “turbocharging” the patient’s own immune components to kill cancer cells. Researchers call it a “living drug,” with treatments expected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. So far, results have been mixed. Patients have suffered severe side effects, a number have died, in others the cancer progressed, a few have survived, including one about 18 months. The cancer establishment and, of course, the “blockbuster”-hungry pharmaceutical companies, are all agog!

In some ways, this is progress. For over a century, the conventional answer to cancer was to use lethal drugs to destroy cancer cells, as if it was a localized disease rather than a systemic problem. Though these drugs can certainly kill malignant cells, researchers have always known they have not found  “The Cure” — besides terrible, often life-threatening side effects, too often the cancer returns, usually with greater virulence. At least the turn to immunotherapy is a tacit acknowledgement that another approach is needed —  that, rather than administering poisons with no inherent healing properties, perhaps strengthening the body’s natural defenses makes more sense.

Unfortunately, myopia continues to reign: it’s still all about drugs. After all, there’s no profit in using the body’s natural immune cells (as Dr. Burton did), which cannot be patented, and the new gene-altering therapy does not include the key Biorepair components like diet, detoxification, organ/gland integrity, etc., which are vital to restore and support healthy immune function. These new genetically-engineered “killer” cells may well provide a few more months of survival, but at what expense, given side effects and unintended consequences from the infusion of unnatural substances into an already compromised body? For example, there are the possible long-term effects of second cancers that could be caused by the disabled viruses used to genetically-engineer the “living drugs.”

What would be truly “utterly transformative” is the realization that, in the vast majority of cases, the human body already contains within it the immune-boosting material needed to bring about recovery — if supported by a comprehensive, nontoxic biological program. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another century for that to be the big blockbuster story!