Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #77

For months “experts” have told us that the best things we can do to counter Covid-19 are wear a mask, social distance, wash hands. Not once have we heard a public health official emphasize, much less mention, the prime importance of a good diet along with exercise, sleep and other lifestyle factors. So it was refreshing to hear an interview with Dariush Mozaffarian, cardiologist and dean of the prestigious Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, say that he, too, is frustrated.
The data, he notes, clearly shows that those with varying degrees of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease are at high risk of serious Covid. The underlying factor in all these involves stress on blood vessel function, e.g., chronic low grade inflammation, hardening of arteries, high blood pressure, etc. Nutrition and physical activity, he states, are the key to healthy blood vessels. Age is only a factor in that, as people get older, these conditions grow more critical when based on years of unhealthy lifestyle. He underscores that older adults who are lean, eat well, exercise, are at very low risk. Over 50% of Americans suffer from some form of these metabolic maladies —rooted in years of eating junk food, inactivity, food insecurity, etc. In a nutshell, he concludes, this is why the pandemic has been so devastating:
“One of the things that drives me crazy and keeps me up at night is the lack of attention to diet and exercise from the government and society more generally. These small lifestyle changes lower inflammation and increase healthy blood vessels — and could decrease Covid risk.”
Dr. Mozaffarian’s policy proposals include the appointment of a national food nutrition czar, food as medicine integrated into the health insurance system, the teaching of nutrition for disease prevention as the next “moon shot,” the intersection of solutions to structural racism and healthier food systems, etc. We might like to hear more public policy on how food is produced (re: grass-fed, organic/regenerative agriculture), but his promotion of food as integral to our individual and national well-being should be the lodestar. It is well worth listening to this WNYC podcast: The Devastating Overlap of Obesity and Covid-19
To your health,
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)
P.S. 2021 marks the 50th year of F.A.C.T.! Half a century! Your support all these many decades has enabled us to bring you information and guidance that will help you become truly wise medical consumers. As a non-profit (501 )(c)(3) charitable organization, we depend on public contributions, so we hope, at some point, you’ll consider making a (U.S. tax-deductible) donation.  You can also sign up for Amazon Smile where at no extra cost to you, any time you use our Amazon Smile link to order from Amazon, .05% of the amount will be donated to F.A.C.T.. Thanks for sticking with us and, as always, be in touch on Facebook, Twitter and our YouTube channel.

Covid Vaccine Concerns

Will a Covid-19 vaccine, developed at unprecedented speed, restore health and normality to a world in trauma? As of August 2020, over 165 vaccines are in the process of evolution worldwide, some 32 of which have been entered into human trials. And now in early January 2021, several of these have been approved and are in the process of implementation, initially, to specific groups, such as medical personnel and the elderly, before the public at large. But there are many people who are not comfortable taking the plunge into these new pharmaceuticals. Here Kendall Nelson of Weston A. Price Foundation discusses some of the concerns many may have. READ MORE

Short-Order Shape Up: The Nitric Oxide Dump!

Most of us think of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or Peak Fitness as something reserved for extremely motivated (i.e., virtually crazed) high powered athletes. The Nitric Oxide Dump, however, is an amazing new version of HIIT that can be done by people of all body types and ages, i.e. your “average Joe.” Consisting of a series of 4 simple movements done in rapid succession in short intervals, it provides benefits similar to those achieved in far longer, more arduous workouts. One study found that a 3-4 minute session, ideally repeated 2-3 times a day, can be as effective as a 150 minute moderate workout in a gym. READ MORE

De-Stress: Take a Bath
Oxford English Dictionary defines a bath as “an act or process of immersing and washing one’s body in a large container of water.” While technically correct, this hardly captures the essence of this age-old ritual. A bath is something quite profound — a respite from the world with serious restorative benefits, a vehicle for renewal in fraught times. While most people nowadays take showers because they’re quick and easy, every now and then give yourself a break; take a bath! READ MORE
Golden Milk   Golden milk, also known as haldi doodh in Ayurvedic medicine, is a healing powerhouse — reducing inflammation, boosting immune function, protecting against infections, etc. Plus it tastes really good! The anti-inflammatory properties are largely due to curcumin, bioactive compounds found in turmeric.  The other spices — ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and cardamom —  contribute important anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-cancer benefits. Ingredients(about 2 servings)
2 1/2 cups milk, preferably certified raw (or almond, coconut or other nut milk, but
         raw dairy is most nutrient dense and healing)
3/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 green cardamom pods, slightly crushed
1/2 inch fresh ginger cut into thin slices
5-6 whole black peppercorns
1 inch cinnamon stick (or 1/4 tsp. ground)
About 1/2 Tbsp. maple syrup, raw honey or other natural sweetener, adjust to taste
Optional: dash cinnamon or cardamom powder on top to serve

Instructions(can be made in advance, stored in ’fridge for up to 5 days; simply reheat before drinking) Add milk to a pan on medium heat. After a minute or two (when the milk is lukewarm) stir in turmeric powder. Then add crushed green cardamom pods, sliced ginger, black peppercorns and cinnamon stick. Add in the sweetener and whisk it all together; bring to a low simmer for 5 minutes. You don’t need to boil it, but it should be nicely hot throughout. Remove pan from heat, cover with a plate or lid and let it sit for another 5 minutes for the flavors to steep. Strain the golden milk into serving cups. Sprinkle with cardamom or cinnamon powder before serving, if desired. Nice taken in the evening as a prelude to sleep.