Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #79

We’ve have seen a lot of dark days in the last year and a half, but there have been glimmers of light as some folks have used the time to rethink the way we do things. One example has to do with how we treat people in prison and prepare them for life beyond incarceration. Specifically, it’s about food. 
“Consider eating ground-up gym mat with a little bit of seasoning.” This is the way one county jail inmate described the typical fare, which only worsened during the pandemic due to budget slashing, fewer and more inferior ingredients, staff shortages, less than sanitary kitchens and chow halls, etc. —  more a recipe for insurrection than rehabilitation or preparation for life outside prison walls.
Peter Allison, head of Farm to Institution New England, a six state network that creates markets for farmers and fisherman in mostly educational institutions, got to thinking. With so many schools and colleges temporarily closed, he began a program in several states connecting farmers with prisoners, teaching them skills about growing foods and healthy meal preparation, while providing a steady market for fresh bounty at correctional facilities. He reasoned that the skills these inmates would learn not only could improve behavior and overall outlook, but potentially help them attain work in farm or food production when they got released. Thus far, the program is a huge success and could — with the political will — spread across the country!    
So, what are you rethinking?
To your health,
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

P.S. Thanks for partaking in our Summer Book Bonanza Sale! We hope you got a chance to relax and do some interesting reading! Another way to participate is Amazon Smile. Just sign up here as a supporter of Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (aka Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapy) — at no extra cost to you, every time you purchase something via Amazon Smile (which has the same products and prices as, .05% of the amount will be donated automatically to F.A.C.T.  We truly appreciate your support and, as always, stay connected on FacebookTwitter and our YouTube channel.

Being Smart With Your Smart PhoneFifty years ago it was perfectly acceptable to light up a cigarette in a doctor’s office or most anywhere else — a behavior that today would be considered outrageous, the height of impropriety! But mores change as we acquire more information, which begs the question: are there current behaviors that demand a rethinking of codes of common courtesy? According to Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF), the answer is yes: in particular, when it comes to the use of electromagnetic (EMF) radiation emitting cell phones in public and even private places, it’s time for a “New Etiquette.” READ MORE
 Bentonite Clay — The Gentle Cleanse
What’s old is new again. In ancient times cultures around the world benefited from the internal and external healing properties of a type of a highly absorbent, mineral-rich clay, derived from volcanic ash deposited in seawater 150 million years ago. In the early 20th Century the clay was used by the British Army in India to treat acute bacterial food poisoning and in China as a cholera antidote. This clay is found all over the world, but the largest known deposit was discovered in 1898 near Fort Benton, Montana, hence the name bentonite, now a catch-all phrase for all similar clays which, by the way, are currently experiencing an explosion in popularity around the world! READ MORE
From Our “Found Someplace Online” File
A Really Good Brownie (at any age)
 1. Process in a food processor until just smooth:
4 pastured eggs
1 ripe avocado
1/4 cup raw cashews or almond butter
1/3 cup raw cacao powder
1 banana
4 dates
1/8 tsp. unrefined sea salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. baking powder
Opt. : 1/2 – 1 tablespoon raw honey, if you like a sweeter taste
2. Spread mixture into a glass baking dish (approx. 8” x 8”). Top with some raw walnuts.
3.  Bake at 350 F. 15-20 minutes. Let cool on a rack and then transfer to the ’fridge. Try to avoid the temptation to eat immediately — the brownies are best after chilled!

After the dough is processed, mix in about 1/4 cup walnut pieces for a little extra crunch.
Use cooked sweet potato instead of banana.
For topping, add shredded or dried coconut. pecans or other nuts instead of walnuts.

In any case, enjoy!