Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #74

“Our country faces a national nutrition crisis. Our food system is a major cause of poor health, ever-rising healthcare costs, strangled government budgets, diminished economic competitiveness of American business, reduced military readiness, and hunger and disparities. Americans of all backgrounds see these problems, and are hungry for and value leadership to create lasting solutions.”

So begins Tuft University’s Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy 2019 Public Impact Statement announcing a new bipartisan “Food Is Medicine” initiative. (“new”!? Of course, Hippocrates was onto this several millennia ago when he declared emphatically, “Food Is Your Best Medicine.”) A look at the initial “Key Facts” download lists the need to eat more nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, with no mention of grass-fed meats, raw dairy, fermented foods, bone broths, high quality vegetable and animal fats, or even “organic,” anything, etc. But, hey, at least it’s an acknowledgment of a deathly problem for which pharmaceutical drugs are not the definitive answer.

Nevertheless, this is all the more reason to stay far ahead of establishment medical thinking and become your own best doctor, which is the goal of this website! Sadly, it often takes generations, even centuries, for Nature’s true wisdom to filter down to mainstream gospel, as noted in our article below, “Medicine and the Fine Art of Vilification.”

To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

P.S. Welcome to 2020! This is F.A.C.T.’s 49th year which YOU have made possible with your enduring, generous support. We hope you’ll continue to take part via a donation or purchase of our film, Rethinking Cancer, or books (all US tax-deductible), so that we can keep on sharing the knowledge we’ve gained working with thousands of patients over the years. There is so much more! And, as always, we hope you’ll stay in the loop on Twitter, Facebook and our YouTube channel!

Medicine and the Fine Art of Vilification
by Consuelo Reyes, F.A.C.T. President

There are many ways to deal with new ideas. One would be to welcome them with open-minded inquiry. Another might be to stigmatize the purveyors of  “heretical” notions that dare to shake the status quo and perhaps threaten the egos (and fortunes) of the status quo keepers.

In other words, shoot the messenger. The history of medicine is rich with examples of great messengers who did get shot! And, unfortunately, the practice continues today. Here are just a few eamples. READ MORE

The Case for Vaccine Choice, Asking the Right Questions.
by Joseph Cooney, MD

I’ve had many conversations with parents regarding their concerns over the decision of whether or not to vaccinate their children. They are actually quite torn about it. On one hand, the medical world makes the argument that you are either crazy or selfish not to vaccinate. Vaccines help us avoid acute illness and, in doing so, lower death rates. It’s a no brainer, right? Not necessarily, because on the other hand, these parents hear about the association with declining acute illness in childhood and the growing chronic illness, allergy, and immune dysfunction in children and adults. They simply want what’s best for their child and they’re not sure what to do. How can we resolve this? Now with mandatory vaccination being advanced in some places, the issue is begging for review and reflection. READ MORE

Purple Power!

Nutritional gurus wisely tell us to eat a wide variety of colors when it comes to fruits and vegetables. This insures that we get the full range of phytonutrients the plant world has to offer. However, perhaps you’ve noticed, lately there’s a whole lot more purple in the produce section amidst the usual greens, yellows and whites. We’re taking about more purple-colored stuff than beets, eggplants, red cabbage and onions: purple-hued kale, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peppers, potatoes, even sweet corn, etc., etc.! And for good reason — turns out, deep red, blue and purple-colored foods contain perhaps the richest amount of a most powerful phytochemical, the antioxidant anthocyanin, which research is finding to be especially beneficial for cancer prevention, heart and gut health, dementia, osteoporosis, insulin resistance and more. READ MORE

Purple Carrot Ginger Soup

4 medium-large purple carrots, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons unsalted butter
4 scallions, chopped
2 shallots, chopped
2-inch piece ginger, minced or grated
Unrefined Himalayan or Celtic sea salt and black pepper to taste
Dried coriander
Several cups (preferably distilled) water, vegetable, beef or chicken stock

  1. In a small covered pot, bring carrots and about a cup water to a boil over medium heat until cooked through, soft but not mushy, about 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, in a pan over medium heat, melt butter. Add scallions, shallot, ginger, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until shallots begin to soften and turn transparent.
  3. Transfer carrots, cooking water and sautéd veggies to a food processor or blender. Add coriander to taste and about 1 cup warm water to reach desired consistency. Process until smooth.
  4. Serve garnished with additional scallions and ginger.

(Bonus) Purple Ice Cream

3 ripe bananas, broken into 1-2 inch pieces, frozen
About 1 cup seedless purple grapes, washed and frozen

  1. Blend the frozen banana pieces in a food processor. You could do it in a blender, but let pieces thaw a bit before processing. Blend until you get a smooth, slightly stiff cream.
  2. Then add the frozen grapes and blend until it all becomes a frothy, creamy mass.
  3. Scrape it all out into a bowl with a pastry scraper. You can put the bowl into the freezer for about 30 minutes to get a firmer texture.
  4. Remove from freezer and indulge!
Created by the Foundation for the Advancement of Cancer Therapy
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