Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Dear Friends,It's "New Book" season at!Several weeks ago, in a special email blast, we announced the publication of Cancer – A Rational Approach to Long-Term Recovery, by Lou Dina, one of the cancer survivors featured in the documentary. Lou presents, as never before, the day to day details of what it’s like being on a…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #10
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Thanks so much to all who participated in the recipe testing for Doris Sokosh’s soon-to-be published, Triumph Over Cancer — My Recipes For Recovery. We received a great response and lots of helpful comments, many of which we’re in the midst of incorporating. The book will be available this summer; will keep you posted.We are…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #9
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Dear Friends,Help Wanted! Doris Sokosh, one of the long-term recovered cancer patients (39 years) featured in our film, Rethinking Cancer, has written a book, Triumph Over Cancer — My Recipes for Recovery. It contains all the wholesome, homey dishes that helped her regain and maintain her health. As a general check, we would like to…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #8
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Dear Friends,While spring rambles in (at last!), the press file for our film, Rethinking Cancer, has been growing at a rapid pace. Here are just 2 recent entries:Doris Sokosh, 37-year recovered cancer patient featured in the film, is interviewed on Connecticut’s News 12 TV as she cooks up a few dishes from her soon-to-be-published book,…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #7
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Dear Friends,As mentioned in our last newsletter, our film Rethinking Cancer has been chosen as a finalist in the documentary category at the European Spiritual Film Festival. The winner will be announced in Paris next month, but we’ve just learned that you have a chance to participate in the voting! Click here to view clips…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #6
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
As January draws to a close, we here at F.A.C.T. (Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy) are happy to report that 2010 has gotten off to a vigorous start! We have much news to share with you.F.A.C.T. has just received word that our film, Rethinking Cancer, has been selected as a finalist in the European…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #5
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Happy New Year!Happy New Year to all our Rethinking Cancer subscribers!We at F.A.C.T., Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy, are proud to begin another information-packed year and we're happy you've joined us for the journey! 2009 was extremely busy as we transitioned from "bricks and mortar" to an ever expanding web presence, featuring our new…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #4
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Season's Greetings!Season's Greetings! and welcome to all our new and rapidly expanding familyof Rethinking Cancer subscribers!We have been busy this past month putting up more articles and more audio. We are currently also working to add past Cancer Forum magazines as well as video footage of past conventions and speakers. We have received more pickup…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #2
...October 11, 2010 - Category: Rethinking Cancer Newsletters
Welcome to Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #1.We are writing to you because of your interest in the experience and goals of F.A.C.T. (Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy). It has been about two months since we launched our new film Rethinking Cancer (on DVD), and our new website. Things have been going great. We have received…Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #1