Season’s Greetings!
Season’s Greetings! and welcome to all our new and rapidly expanding family
of Rethinking Cancer subscribers!
We have been busy this past month putting up more articles and more audio. We are currently also working to add past Cancer Forum magazines as well as video footage of past conventions and speakers. We have received more pickup of the film in more and more publications such as the Huffington Post as well as an endorsement from actress Parker Posey. Check it out in our press page.
To Screen or Not to Screen
The current hullabaloo about new recommendations to delay the use of mammograms and Pap smears is just part of a huge debate afoot in the medical establishment about the value of cancer screening tests in general — mammography, PSA, Pap Test, CT Scan, etc. There is widening concern that too often false-positives result or non-threatening tumors may be discovered, leading to more costly, invasive testing, unnecessary toxic treatment and undue stress. What’s a responsible medical consumer supposed to do? Read More
Easing Holiday Stress
The holiday season is upon us, and it is almost inevitable that the to-do list lengthens and social calendar expands leaving a host of errands to run, gifts to buy and friends and family to please. These obligations often leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed if not the polar opposite of “merry.”
Not only is stress unpleasant, but research suggests that chronic and even seasonal stress can take a toll on your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to everything from viral infections and the common cold to much more serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
In fact, stress relief is becoming increasingly integrated in some methods of cancer treatment and prevention. F.A.C.T., the Foundation for the Advancement of Cancer Therapy suggests stress management as part of “whole body focused biological repair.” Rather than just eradicating the malignant cells, the F.A.C.T. approach aims to rebalance the body’s chemistry, healing the whole person with a customized program of diet, detoxification and stress management. Read More
Lower Back Pain Relief
Here is a simple exercise to relieve lower back pain as well as the holiday stress.
Since our launch in October, we’ve received donations from all over the country—and all over the world. These donations will go a long way toward helping us inform the public about the non-toxic biologically sound approach to cancer treatment and prevention. We hope you will consider making a holiday donation as well as purchasing the Rethinking Cancer DVD and the DETOX book on our donate page.
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Holiday,
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)