Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #6

Dear Friends,
As mentioned in our last newsletter, our film Rethinking Cancer has been chosen as a finalist in the documentary category at the European Spiritual Film Festival. The winner will be announced in Paris next month, but we’ve just learned that you have a chance to participate in the voting! Click here to view clips of all the entries and, hopefully, vote for us!

More valuable additions to

The launch of our “Foods of the Week” link on the News page. We’ll be featuring Nature’s amazing bounties, including history, nutritional and medicinal powers, even recipes. This week it’s cabbage in the spotlight. (see below) Tune in each week to get the “dish” on another fruit or veggie.

A “Research” link on the Resources page. This will highlight recent studies relating to the Biorepair concept. See an example below — a study showing the benefits of a plant-based diet in preventing breast cancer. Please note also new entries in the Practitioner’s Directory, including several excellent European clinics.

And lastly, F.A.C.T. has always been very selective about listing books for Recommended Reading, but there’s one new volume that we think deserves a read (and, fortunately, it’s a quick read — only 112 pages!): Michael Pollan’s Food Rules — An Eater’s Manual. With so many gimmicky books out there, this one’s the real thing.  Pollen cuts through all the muddle created by “the experts” who seem to confuse nutrition with rocket science and to contradict themselves from one week to the next. Food Rules proves you don’t need a Ph.D. to eat right — just a big helping of common sense.

As always, we very much appreciate your comments and suggestions on the website and the film.  Email us at:

Best of Health to you!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

Cabbage — an Ancient Food with Timeless Nutritional Value

Cabbage was widely grown in ancient China.  In fact, the workers on the Great Wall so many years ago were fed on cabbage and rice.  When winter came, wine was added to the cabbage to preserve it, producing a sour cabbage pleasant to the taste, which didn’t spoil.  A thousand years later the Tartars under Genghis Khan conquered China and carried sour cabbage with them as they overran other parts of the world. READ MORE

Plant-Rich Diet Protects Against Breast Cancer

A balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruit may decrease the risk of breast cancer, according to a large study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. READ MORE

The Bromelain Story

Pineapple is considered the wonder fruit of the tropics because of bromelain, a protein-dissolving enzyme found in the raw fruit.  The bromelain enzyme tends to break up congestion found in the walls of blood toxic wastes that can hurt circulation and cause many other chain reactions.  It has been found also to act as a catalyst that promotes production of certain hormones and other chemicals that aid, or promote, body and cell healing. Most juices are not recommended for irritated ulcers.  But natural pineapple juice taken in small quantities by such patients often promotes and accelerates healing.

Is Laughter The Best Medicine?

“Adrenal exhaustion could be caused by emotional tension, such as frustration or suppressed rage…the negative effects of the negative emotions on body chemistry.  The inevitable questions arose in my mind: what about the positive emotions? If negative emotions produce negative chemical changes in the body, wouldn’t the positive emotions produce positive chemical changes?  Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence and the will to live have therapeutic value?  Do chemical changes occur only on the downside?”
— Norman Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness