FACT Publications
May 6, 2020 - Category: FACT Publications
This 40-page handbook explains, clearly and concisely, the crucial role of detoxification in a comprehensive healing program and includes instructions for various detoxification methods. An indispensable aid for those who want to take charge of their health. Published by F.A.C.T. and only available on this website for a tax-deductible contribution of $10.00 plus shipping.Detoxification- A Sensible Method for Maintaining Optimum Health
...May 6, 2020 - Category: FACT Publications
Rethinking Cancer by Ruth Sackman is an excellent companion book to the film. It shifts the focus of treatment from symptoms - the tumor or abnormal blood picture – to correcting the cause of the health breakdown in the body as a whole. The goal is not tumor reduction, as in conventional protocols. Rather, the…Rethinking Cancer – The Book
...May 6, 2020 - Category: Book Reviews, FACT Publications
Healing Cancer is F.A.C.T.’s most comprehensive publication to date — an important contribution to our library of educational materials.The book is a treasure trove of practical information by an expert with unique in-depth experience and historical perspective. Many, indeed, have said that it’s the next best thing to picking up the phone and talking to…Healing Cancer – The Unconventional Wisdom of Ruth Sackman
...May 6, 2020 - Category: FACT Publications
Doris Sokosh, featured in the documentary Rethinking Cancer, shares some of her favorite recipes that helped her successfully battle her breast cancer. After her initial diagnosis in 1971, with little hope for survival, Doris listened to Ruth Sackman, founder F.A.C.T, and learned about the body's amazing ability to heal itself through a common sense approach,…Triumph Over Cancer – My Recipes For Recovery