Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Triumph Over Cancer – My Recipes For Recovery

triumph over cancer
Triumph Over Cancer - My Recipes For Recovery

Doris Sokosh, featured in the documentary Rethinking Cancer, shares some of her favorite recipes that helped her successfully battle her breast cancer. After her initial diagnosis in 1971, with little hope for survival, Doris listened to Ruth Sackman, founder F.A.C.T, and learned about the body’s amazing ability to heal itself through a common sense approach, including fresh, delicious whole food nutrition.

Over the years Doris has created many popular recipes that were essential to her recovery and good health. Triumph Over Cancer contains many of these recipes and is a testament to the power of nutrition in recovering from cancer.