May 7, 2020 - Category: 20-11-12
Now, at last the word has gotten to the National Cancer Institute and they have published it in their journal. The word is that something in yogurt inhibits the growth of cancer cells. One kind of cancer at any rate. Three scientists at the University of Nebraska used laboratory mice for their investigation. They gave…Once Again, Yogurt Stops the Growth of Unhealthy Cells By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 20-11-12
Ever wonder what's in that wax often found on supermarket fruits and vegetables? According to Citizen Petition, waxed fruits and vegetables have been treated with fungicides that can cause numerous diseases including cancer, immune system deficiencies, mental disorders, sterility, heart disease, as well as birth defects.Citizen Petition was a grass roots organization started by Mary…Wax: What You Can’t See Can Hurt You By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 20-11-12
Now, at last the word has gotten to the National Cancer Institute and they have published it in their journal. The word is that something in yogurt inhibits the growth of cancer cells. One kind of cancer at any rate. Three scientists at the University of Nebraska used laboratory mice for their investigation. They gave…Wax, What You Can’t See Can Hurt You By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 20-11-12
New ideas often seem odd, even ridiculous, simply because we are not used to them. They are resisted merely because they are new. But, more often because they threaten existing interests...the status quo. It seems that no matter how beneficial and wholesome a new idea may be, it rarely, if ever, receives public approval when…Disease Is Beneficial By Lee Bauer
...Can Garlic Really Lower Blood Pressure By Richard Talbot
May 7, 2020 - Category: 20-11-12
Sifting rumors from facts, I will lay the case before you and you decide.The doctors tell us that high blood pressure can be the result of numerous causes. We will only talk about one the one that can be traced to conditions in the colon the sewer of the body. The human colon can be…Can Garlic Really Lower Blood Pressure By Richard Talbot