Miraculous Recoveries By FACT
May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-9-10
Victor Earl Irons In 1935 at 40 years of age, my doctor in Boston did his best for three years to keep my sacroiliac in place (in the sacroiliac you have a ball in a socket.. If the socket fills up with unassimilated calcium, the ball can easily be crowded out . If it is…Miraculous Recoveries By FACT
Read more...May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-9-10
Translated from German by Charlotte WahleI am greatly indebted to you for your kind invitation to attend your convention. Mrs. Ebba Waerland gave me the honor of conveying to you her best regards and good wishes from Switzerland. She very much regrets not having been able to accept your invitation in order to report to…Dr. K. O. Heede’s Speech at a FACT Convention By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-9-10
A Harvard Medical School graduate explains how traditional Western medicine can coexist and thrive with acupuncture, herbs, hypnosis and other therapies.My father was a general surgeon. The medicine he practiced seemed marvelous and terrifying to me. In the bright light of his treatment room, gleatning scissors were lined up on white towels; scalpel blades, grainy…How I Learned to Love Alternative Medicine By James S. Gordon, M.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-9-10
Dr. Simon is CEO, co-founder and Medical Director of the Chopra Center An emotion is the fundamental mind/body experience. We call emotions "feelings" because we feel them in our bodies. An emotion is a sensation in the body associated with a thought in the mind. Emotions are designed to ensure that we are paying attention…Comfort and Discomfort By Dr. Simon