May 7, 2020 - Category: 17_11-12
Because vegetables are so rich in nutrients, they possess healing powers of which most people are unaware. Here are some of the most popular vegetables and their therapeutic possibilities.ALFALFA: rich in minerals and alkali forming substances to help maintain a healthful acid/alkaline ratio in your system. Essential amino acids also aid in rebuilding body cells.ARTICHOKE:…Healing Power of Vegetables from Herald of Health
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 17_11-12
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is processed foods compared to fresh perishable produce, as well as the lower cost of new medicines, the oldest U.S. federal consumer "watchdog" agency, founded by act of Congress in 1906. But legislators did not come easily to the idea that a national entity was needed to protect the…FDA How Did It Come To Be and Where Is It Going? By Consuelo Reyes