Because vegetables are so rich in nutrients, they possess healing powers of which most people are unaware. Here are some of the most popular vegetables and their therapeutic possibilities.
ALFALFA: rich in minerals and alkali forming substances to help maintain a healthful acid/alkaline ratio in your system. Essential amino acids also aid in rebuilding body cells.
ARTICHOKE: prime mineral source with 15% natural insulin that is hydrolyzed to levulose by acids to create a natural energy source that is beneficial to weak stomachs. BEET: high mineral content aids bloodstream nourishment and activated lymphatic flow throughout the circulatory system.
BROCCOLI: high in vitamins and minerals to maintain water balance of your body.
CABBAGE: successfully used (through freshly squeezed raW juice) as a means of treating stomach ulcers.
CELERY: excellent vitamin source and did in nervous disorders by helping to rid the body of carbon dioxide, a toxic waste basket
ASPARAGUS: abundant in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A which is needed for visual sharpness.
MUSHROOMS: good B-complex source as well as B-12, needed for blood enrichment.
MUSTARD GREENS: tangy taste high in capillary-building vitamin C.
OKRA: valuable because it has such a low carbohydrate content which is beneficial for those on reducing diets. Also rich in iron, and calcium and aids in conditions of colitis, intestinal disorders.
ONION: while not very popular because of the pungent odors, it is rich in minerals and vitamins and stimulates the gastric tract.
PEAS: all varieties of peas have much protein and minerals.
PEPPER: juice is rich in silicon to nourish your hair, skin and nails; good for those who are troubled by skin blemishes. RADISHES: high in magnesium to soothe your nerves and stimulate a natural digestive flow. High sulphur content cleanses your bloodstream and aids in it’s purification.
TOMATO: the best source available of B2 and C and vegetable amino acids to neutralize acid stomach.
ENDIVE: nature’s own laxative, helps in conditions of indigestion and liver ailment with its rich vitamin A and C content.
KALE: a top-notch source of vitamin A and C needed for better vision, skin and hair health.
LETTUCE: rich in nerve strengthening minerals and aids in the conditions of excess stomach acidity and constipation and a good natural source of chlorophyll.