May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Here's a sampling of questions posed in years past to Ruth Sackman (1915-2008), FACT co-founder and former President. Given the incredible deluge of information and misinformation available today - in the conventional, as well as alternative realms - these questions remain as relevant as ever!Q. Would it help the cancer patient to take megadoses of…Q&A? By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Physician is a word derived from the Greek root physike which means literally "purge" or "cleanse." A good dictionary will also include figurative meanings from the Greek, such as "cure, health, nature."At first the gap between "purge," "nature" or "health" might seem closer to an abyss, but the early Greeks knew exactly what they had…Physician – A Word’s Worth By Consuelo Reyes
...May 7, 2020 - Category: Detoxification
As one of four very robust siblings and a mother who believed that food was the key to health--not brown rice and tofu, but the good old fashioned 50's, early 60's hearty meat, potatoes and frozen vegetables kind of fare--I grew up feeling like a normal healthy kid to whom disease happened to somebody else.…Thank Goodness! No Cure for the Common Cold! By Consuelo Reyes
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
"I've never had a cold in my life," boasted a 75-year-old man. (Five months after making this statement he was dead with cancer.) He had adopted a superior attitude toward his wife, who was constantly bothered with colds. Every winter, and all winter long, she moped around, suffering with coughing, sneezing and wheezing, dripping nose…New Cure for the Common Cold: Understand It! By Edward L. Carl, N.D
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
There's been much hoopla in the press lately about a study which, according to the New York Times, turns standard medical practice of the last 100 years on its head! Researchers found that some women with early breast cancer (about 20% of all breast cancer patients) do not need a painful procedure that has long…New Lymph Node Study Progress, Sort Of… By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
We know and accept the laws of nature, but what would we do if some bizarre interference affected this natural process? For example, what would we do in the spring if the birds did not return from the south, the whales did not migrate north, the trees to grow new leaves, or the temperature never…Natural Wisdom Of The Body By Dr. Alice Behr
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Many cancer patients opt for a metabolic system to control their cancer problem. A metabolic system is primarily a system of nutrition and detoxification. There is a tendency on the part of some to use nutrition very conscientiously but rebel at detoxification. They, unfortunately, do not quite understand the physiology of a metabolic system; and…Metabolic System of Cancer Control By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
There are many ways to deal with new ideas. One would be to welcome them with open-minded inquiry. Another might be to stigmatize the purveyors of “heretical” notions that dare to shake the status quo and perhaps threaten the egos (and fortunes) of the status quo keepers.In other words, shoot the messenger. The history of…Medicine and the Fine Art of Vilification By Consuelo Reyes
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
Scientific research is now beginning to uncover the manner in which infectious disease plays a role not only in prevention of chronic disease, but in curing it as well.In May of 2014, the Mayo Clinic published a very compelling report that detailed the complete remission of incurable cancer, multiple myeloma, in a female patient.The treatment?…Mayo Clinic Treats Cancer with Measles By Sarah Pope
...May 7, 2020 - Category: A Different Concept of Health and Disease
As I was bicycling my way home up Eighth Avenue the other day, a speck of urban something-or-other flew into one of my eyes, leaving me the other to navigate the mad rush hour traffic. Immediately my mind went into high gear. Should I stop and try to get the speck out? How do I…In The Blink Of An Eye – Trusting the Doctor Within Us By Consuelo Reyes – Cancer Forum