Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Metabolic System of Cancer Control By Ruth Sackman

Many cancer patients opt for a metabolic system to control their cancer problem. A metabolic system is primarily a system of nutrition and detoxification. There is a tendency on the part of some to use nutrition very conscientiously but rebel at detoxification. They, unfortunately, do not quite understand the physiology of a metabolic system; and that limited understanding can include practitioners. I think the confusion is due to a mistaken assumption that a system which depends on nutrition is simplistic when, on the contrary, it is quite complex. Therefore, it requires experience to design an individualized program. It also requires in-depth knowledge to guide a patient through the metabolic process.

The metabolic program’s goal is to correct abnormal cell production. This requires a correction of a biochemical imbalance that, in the metabolic system of healing, is considered the basic problem. This repair is complicated, but must be undertaken to restore normal cell production. Unless that is accomplished, abnormal cell production will continue and result in a metastasis.

A metabolic program includes a wide range of areas that need special consideration. Nutrition and detoxification are both of paramount importance. Sometimes nutrition has to be emphasized; at other times detoxification has to receive primary attention. An experienced practitioner can make the determinations as to when one or the other is put in place.

A whole network of internal processes is included in a metabolic system: digestion, immune activity, waste elimination, circulation, nerve responses, glandular function (i.e., liver, pancreas, thyroid, adrenals, kidney, etc.). More obvious considerations are quality of the food (preferably organic), pure water (distilled), pure air, stress relief and exercise. A careful evaluation of organ function and correction has to be included to be sure the elements in the food are metabolized into their microcomponents to be available for normal cell production. Any impaired organ function must be remedied or boosted with carefully selected food supplements in order to regain and maintain health.

With improved cell production, weaker cells will automatically be displaced by healthier cells. This is a normal body process that goes on continuously. On a metabolic program, this process is sped up somewhat and dead cells that are collected by the bloodstream can overload it faster than routine elimination can handle. Detoxification is needed to assist the body in cleaning the bloodstream. An experienced practitioner knows how and when to accomplish this “house cleaning.”

When detoxification is indicated, it is not a choice but mandatory. Without it the patient will suffer from autointoxication, a condition that can easily be avoided. The symptoms of autointoxication can manifest in severe headaches, diarrhea, skin breakouts, fever, flu-like symptoms, profuse sweating and sometimes nosebleeds. The body in its wisdom will attempt to discard this excess waste through any aperture if the normal channels of elimination (colon and kidney) are overloaded. A system of detoxification done regularly will help the patient avoid the above complications. In making a metabolic repair, knowledge is your best companion.

If you choose to incorporate a metabolic system to control cancer, and I think it is essential for complete recovery, select a resource with a proven track record of success over a long period of time. In the conventional medical community, tumor reduction is used to measure the success of a protocol. That yardstick does not necessarily serve for long-term recovery. The same yardstick exists in some alternative cancer therapies with the same limited results.

Metabolic programming is not a role for amateurs. Let your motto be “Caveat Emptor!”