May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_1-2
One of our oldest health publications, Herald of Health, had to discontinue publication because it didn't have enough subscribers. This magazine provided substantive health information, not gimmicky, over-dramatized stories of miraculous cures with some slickly, over promoted new development that cannot stand the test of time.From time to time, reprints from Herald of Health by…The Merits of Honey By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_1-2
Max Gerson, M.D., directed a cancer clinic in Nanuet, New York, for many years. There he treated mostly terminally ill cancer patients using a system of diet and detoxification to correct the breakdown in body chemistry that caused cancer-cell production. He found that when cancer-prone mice were autopsied, the livers showed deterioration long before a…Herbal Stimulants for the Liver By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_1-2
CYTOXAN(Mead Johnson & Co.) A dangerous drug which can cause death. This FDA-approved "anticancer" drug actually can also cause cancer, namely secondary malignancies. According to the FDA-approved "safety" data: "the possibility of secondary malignancy, based on available data, should be considered in any benefit-to-risk assessment for the use of the drug." In addition to causing…Chemotherapy Side-Effects Can Include Cancer and Death By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_1-2
Neanderthal man accidentally dropped a slice of dinosaur meat into the fire one night and the story of enzymes began. If he hadn't been so careless, we might very well be eating only raw food today and be the healthier for it.Food cooked above 118 degrees F. (which was probably the fate of the dinosaur…Enzyme Deficiency – A Key to Disease Prevention By Ron Rendleman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_1-2
Cancer is like any other disease, in that the individual's level of resistance plays a major role in its etiology and prognosis.Nerve interference causes a body to function at a state less than its physiological optimum. Does that affect resistance? Let's check Burrows Textbook of Microbiology, Tenth Edition, p.250:"Whatever resistance to disease an organism may…Can Cancer Develop in a Healthy Body? By FACT