Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Can Cancer Develop in a Healthy Body? By FACT

Cancer is like any other disease, in that the individual’s level of resistance plays a major role in its etiology and prognosis.

Nerve interference causes a body to function at a state less than its physiological optimum. Does that affect resistance? Let’s check Burrows Textbook of Microbiology, Tenth Edition, p.250:

“Whatever resistance to disease an organism may possess- by virtue of species, race and the like, is profoundly influenced by its physiological state. In general, resistance is at its height when the organism is functioning normally in every respect and is reduced by a variety of factors which interfere with and alter the normal physiological state.” In order to have high resistance, you need a body free of nerve interference, of disease, in order for our resistance to disease to be at its optimum.

How does this relate to cancer? Well, it just makes sense that a body that’s functioning normally would be in a better position to check any abnormal functions within it.

However, in our world of scientific empiricism common sense seems to make more sense if it comes out of the mouth of a person who has letters after his name. So, for those among us who are overeducated, the late Dr. George C. Pack of Cornell Medical School and New York’s Memorial Center for Cancer, one of the nation’s top cancer specialists, reports that almost everyone of us has cancer during his lifetime and most of us recover, never knowing we’ve had it:

“Somewhere in the bloodstream there are immune factors, whatever they may be, that curb cancers in somewhat the same way antibodies fight the entry of other diseases. Sometimes the immunity fails, of course. People die of cancer – far too many do. But it’s worth remembering that most people do not.”

And for those of us who are super overeducated, TIME, March 19, 1973, p. 65:

“Sir Frank McFarlane Burnet, an Australian, and Dr. Lewis Thomas, president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, suggested a relationship between the immune system and the cancerous growth. They postulated that in addition to protecting the body from invaders, the immune system has the duty to police cell growth and prevent the survival and replication of abnormal or “outlaw” cells.

As Burnet and Thomas saw it, the body, in which cells are continually replicating themselves, produces anywhere from tens to hundreds of abnormal, genetically different and potentially cancerous cells each day. Ordinarily, the immune system recognizes these biological fifth columnists as “foreign” because they are genetically different; it destroys them before they begin dividing and reproducing. But when the defense mechanism is weakened, for whatever reason, it fails to do away with the errant cells, either because it cannot recognize them or because it is incapable of attacking them.

The intelligent person, upon reading the above statements, should have the question “why”? on his lips: “Why do people recover from cancer?” “Why do some people not recover from cancer?” “Why can the body fight off cancer in some people and not in others?”

Why, indeed do some people have the ability to fight off diseases of all kinds, including cancer, while some people do not? And we know the answer today, as we knew it 80 years ago:

This body, created by a Universal Intelligence and run by an innate intelligence was meant to work in perfect health if the intelligence that has created it and sustained it is permitted to do its job without interference. Interference to control of the body results in disease and lowers the body’s ability to function properly.

Recently modern science has discovered that the body, oddly enough, has the ability to combat cancer milts own. Scientists are now working busily trying to determine what systems, areas, cells, chemicals, etc. in the body fight off cancer. The aim of their experimentation, of course, is to try to stimulate the body’s anti-cancer factors, or to artificially administer various concoctions that will in some way imitate what the body is perfectly capable of doing on its own if it would only work right.

Burrows Textbook of Microbiology, Twentieth Edition, p. 397:

“Cases of spontaneous regression of human tumors and the occurrence at times of slow growing tumors suggest that an active immunological response may be holding the growth in check. Additional evidence for the importance of an unimpaired immune response comes from the patients with immunological deficiency diseases … the use of immunosuppressive therapy in prevention of transplant rejection is accompanied by increased incidence of neoplasia.”

What we all know, and what modern researchers have failed to state (in so many words) is that a body functioning at its optimum, as innate intelligence intended it to function, is the best prophylactic against cancer that we have.

The causes of cancer are considered to be many: the environmental pollution of our air, water (fluorides and chlorine) and foods has to be fought on a community level, but other causes of cancer can be dealt with individually.

Internal pollution of possible cancer-causing agents such as various prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and vaccinations are, however, within our individual means to combat. But the cause of cancer is the same as the cause for the other 2000 or so diseases of mankind: Disease, a body not working right. A body suffering from disease cannot destroy a silently growing cancer within itself as well as a body free from disease.

As the TIME Magazine cover story on cancer, March 19, 1973, p. 64, stated, “surgery usually results in unsightly and handicapping mutilation, radiation can destroy healthy as well as cancerous tissue, and chemotherapy produces unpleasant and dangerous side effects.”

We do not know if the cure rates of cancer treatment are because of or in spite of medical care. We do know that medicine has no cure for cancer and that many medical treatments for cancer today actually cause and spread cancer (cobalt therapy, x-irradiation, surgery).

Ultimately, the decision of what to do with one’s body is always the choice of the individual. Cancer does not suddenly attack us as we’re walking down a dark street. Nor does it insidiously creep inside of our breasts, or prostate, or bone marrow while we’re sleeping.

Cancer is the result of a body not working correctly for many many years. Cancer comes from within, just as health comes from within. Which do you want to express?
(Sorry we are unable to credit the author with this article, since we don’t know who he/she is.)