May 7, 2020 - Category: 4_5-6
This discourse was presented before the Cancer Convention in New York at the Statler Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom on April 29, 1978. This article deals with the important role of cellular therapy in the nontoxic anti-cancer treatment as: preventive therapy; therapy against existing malignancy; post-operative and post-radiation therapy, auxiliary therapy in conjunction with other biological…Cellular Therapy By Anthony R. Schenk, MD, PhD.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 4_5-6
Some common kitchen items may be slowly poisoning you and your family.There are reams of articles and books documenting the toxicity of aluminum when in contact with food and water in cooking utensils, aluminum foil, baking powder, etc. Those who wish to pursue the documentation may write to HEALTH RESEARCH, Mokelumne Hill, Calif., for a…Beware: Aluminum Poisoning By Edward L Carl, ND, HMD
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 4_5-6
To appreciate the importance of the adrenal glands and their relation to the kidneys, it is necessary to recount some of the functions of the kidneys with which they are closely associated. In common with the lungs, the alimentary tract and the skin, the kidneys belong to the excretory system and the adrenals play a…Adrenal Glands and Kidneys By Mira Louise