May 7, 2020 - Category: 18_5-6
The following book review was sent to FACT by Marie Winberg of Michigan. The review offers excellent information about the lymphatic system which is not readily available in other publications, though, unfortunately, we cannot support Dr. Lemole's healing diet. Although we do not have the name of the book reviewer, we decided to print it…The Lymphatics By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 18_5-6
Pollution Plays Havoc Around the EarthBees As Pollution MonitorsIn the Puget Sound area near Seattle, 64 beekeepers have been doing double duty. As well as collecting honey, they have been gathering information about the quality of the environment. By keeping track of the survival of bee eggs and larvae, trapping pollen and collecting bees as…Our Environment/Our Health By The Associated Press
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 18_5-6
A healing crisis is a cleansing of toxins out of the body. There can be many cleansing symptoms including: Strings of pus in the urine or bowel movement. Drainage from the nose, eyes, and ears. Sores including rashes and boils may appear on the body, erupt and emit a putrid odor. Skin under breasts may…Overview of Symptoms of a Healing Crisis By FACT