The Censorious Silliness of Veggie Libel Laws By Michael Colby
May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_7-8
For the first time ever, the top trade gimp of the produce industry has put the "veggie libel laws" of 12 states to use. The mason? Food & Water's sure-shot campaigns to stop food irradiation. But it takes more than a law created by corporations to stop Food & Water.Food & Water now has something…The Censorious Silliness of Veggie Libel Laws By Michael Colby
Read more...Cell TherapyBy Jorge Estrella, M.D.
May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_7-8
Jorge Estrella, M.D., has specialized in preventive medicine and gerontology since 1966. He received his medical degree at the National Autonomous University School of Medicine in Mexico City in 1962 and collaborated with the late Dr. J J. Barbosa as assistant surgeon for seven years. He was professionally associated with the well-knoWn biologist and therapist,…Cell TherapyBy Jorge Estrella, M.D.
Read more...Patently Ridiculous By Consuelo Reyes
May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_7-8
Each week The New York Times' business section has a column describing new patents deemed to be of particular interest to the general public. While many readers no doubt marvel at this display of man's imperturbable cleverness, others among us view it as a window into the current state of "advanced" thinking and, consequently, step…Patently Ridiculous By Consuelo Reyes
Read more...EPA Union of Scientists Takes Stand Against Flouridation By FACT
May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_7-8
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), the prestigious union of 1100 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists, toxicologists, engineers and attorneys responsible for evaluating all scientific data pertaining to environmental health hazards and standards has unanimously gone on record against the practice of artificial fluoridation of public drinking water.On Wednesday, July 2, 1997, members of…EPA Union of Scientists Takes Stand Against Flouridation By FACT