Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Cell TherapyBy Jorge Estrella, M.D.

Jorge Estrella, M.D., has specialized in preventive medicine and gerontology since 1966. He received his medical degree at the National Autonomous University School of Medicine in Mexico City in 1962 and collaborated with the late Dr. J J. Barbosa as assistant surgeon for seven years. He was professionally associated with the well-knoWn biologist and therapist, Anton R. Schenk, M.D., for over twenty years. Dr. Estrella is a founding member of the Mexican Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology and a member of the Latin American Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

Cell therapy is a form of medical treatment consisting of the injection of young animal or embryonic celLs into human beings to revitalize worn out cells and restore the health of the affected organism.

Cell therapy is a strictly biological, therapeutic procedure where fresh cells are obtained from the corresponding part of the animal, or from the placenta, are processed then into a solution capable of being injected directly into the patient’s body. In this form, cellular materials are given to treat affected systems or organs: thymus and mesenchymal cells for biological defense, Iddney cells for sick kidneys, etc. The amount of administered cells and frequency of application depends upon the patient’s needs, the evaluated biological condition and the strategy of the therapist.

Over 50 years ago, Dr. Paul Niehans, from Switzerland, discovered the cellular therapy method. During the last few years, numerous experiments have been made to isolate the different structural elements of the cells, such as nuclei, chromosomes, mitochondria, etc., in order to obtain extracts with greater therapeutic activity.

Scientists have laiown about the existence of human cells for three centuries, but only recently have they begtm to unlock the mysteries of how the cell works. Researchers believe these exciting new discoveries will increase the chances of finding a cure for cancer and may eventually lead to a way of delaying the process of aging.

The cell is the source of the body’s life and energy. Most diseases of man and animal are accompanied by particular morphological and molecular cell changes, some which are so specific that it is actually possible to reach a diagnosis from histological samples alone.

Clinical chemistry also provides pointers to very specific cell defects. It seems a logical step to reverse these cell defects by supplying the body with the relevant components taken from healthy cells so that the diseased organs can function properly again. This goes hand in hand with repair and renew. Organ therapy with cytoplasmatic preparations makes use of natural regulatory and metabolic substances with genetic affmity similar to body components l’his rule is not to be concentrated in curing the symptotns, but to see the body as a whole and to treat it as a single entity.

In our medical practice, we prefer the use of freezedried substances. Cytoplasmatic preparations are obtained from the organs of healthy domestic animal stock at the temperature of liquid nitrogen at -196C. They are finely ground while frozen, then the povvder is lyopholized. The lyopholized organ’s powder is hydrolyzed in an acid-vapor vacuum at room temperature (acid-vapor lysis in a vacuum is the least destructive method of obtaining cell components). Most of the macromolecule organ substances released during this process are solu ‘)le in water and the dose is thus very flexible.

The patented preparation processes the type specificity but leaves the organ specificity intact. The process sterilizes the preparation, even Idlling viruses. Exhaustive sterility checks ensure that the dry powder preparations are safe for use.

The dilutions are prepared from the dry substances. They are aqueous dilutions ready for injection, and are standardized to human cell cultures according to protein content.

The cells obtain energy by transforming our nutrients (food) proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) to keep us physically and mentally active. Those nutrients also maintain bone structure, muscle mass, and strength as well as the rest of the body organs and systems.

People today are living longer than past generations, and are aging less rapidly because, at the present, the degenerative process which happened during the middle years is happening in the latter years of life. In previous generations, people didn’t live as long and aging started during the younger years. Every individual has a different rate of wear and tear. Wear and tear vvithout replacement means aging. Durability depends on heredity, chemistry of the glands, and life style.

Reprinted from EMS Health Newsletter