May 7, 2020 - Category: 11_7-8
This article, designed to show the power of vegetables in breaking down fat for weight loss, is also important information for the cancer patient.Here is a list of nature's own diuretics to help burn up your body fat:Asparagus contains asparagine, an alkaloid that can stimulate your Iddneys, improving waste removal. The liquid portion of the…Vegetable Power By Carlson Wade
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 11_7-8
For those who count among their daily blessings the conveniehce of zapping food in a microwave oven, the following information may give pause. Perhaps a few seconds saved are not worth the toll of time...Every day people all around the world subject the food they eat to a type of hard electromagnetic radiation known as…To Zap Or Not To Zap: Comparative Study About Food Prepared Conveniently And The Microwave OvenBy Consuelo Reyes
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 11_7-8
IMAGINE GOING THROUGH CHEMO OR CANCER SURGERY BECAUSE SOMEONE MISLABELED, MISREAD OR JUST MIXED UP YOUR X-RAYSNick Lombardo remembers the moment of his death sentence. As he lay in a Long Island hospital bed days after abdominal surgery in June 1977, he overheard a group of doctors come touring by his room." ...And this patient…“It Was All Just A Big Mistake”By FACT