Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Foods of the Week

  • The benefits of eating Squash

    October 22, 2012 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The benefits of eating squash are huge. Squash is native to the Western Hemisphere and was known to the Indians centuries before the arrival of the white man. It is a member of the cucurbit family, which includes pumpkins and gourds as well as cucumbers, and muskmelons and watermelons. Squash as we know it today…The benefits of eating Squash

  • Eggplant

    August 13, 2012 - Category: Foods of the Week

    Eggplant is an annual plant. It belongs to the potato family, and is native to India, where it has been grown for thousands of years. Eggplant has large white to dark purple fleshy fruit that can be as large as six or eight inches in diameter. The Chinese and Arabs grew eggplant as early as…Eggplant

  • The health value of Radish

    May 14, 2012 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The radish is a member of the mustard family, but is also related to cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and turnips. After this vegetable was introduced into Middle Asia from China in prehistoric times, many forms of the plant were developed. Radishes are a cool season crop, and the peak period is April through July. The American…The health value of Radish

  • The health benefits of Lemons

    January 23, 2012 - Category: Foods of the Week

    Lemons may be a too sour for you but the health benefits of Lemons are truley amazing. Lemons are one of the most highly alkalinizing foods and are native to tropical Asia where cultivation goes back at least 2,500 years. In the twelfth century, the Arabs brought lemons to Spain and Africa and it was…The health benefits of Lemons

  • The health benefits of Huckleberry

    August 1, 2011 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The huckleberry resembles the blueberry but does not belong to the blueberry family and although all huckleberries are edible, some species are not very tasty but nonetheless huckleberry's do have health benefits. The garden huckleberry, which was developed by Luther Burbank, is closely related to the tomato. It is best in pie, with lemon juice…The health benefits of Huckleberry

  • The Benefits of Avocado

    June 6, 2011 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The Benefits of Avocado are huge.  There are over 400 varieties of avocado. Some have smooth skin and are green, and some are rough and black. The avocado is considered a neutral fruit, because it blends well with almost any flavor and mixes well with either vegetables or fruit. The avocado came from Persia. It…The Benefits of Avocado

  • The benefits of Apricot

    February 28, 2011 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The benefits of apricot fruit is immense. It is said to have originated in China. It spread from there to other parts of Asia, then to Greece and Italy. As early as 1562 there is mention of the apricot in England in Turner's Herbal. It is recorded that the apricot grew in abundance in Virginia…The benefits of Apricot

  • The History of Plums and Fresh Prunes

    November 29, 2010 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The history of plums and fresh prunes starts with early colonists who found plums growing wild along the entire Eastern coast. They were one of many fruits eaten by the Indians before the coming of the white man, and reports of early explorers mention the finding of plums growing in abundance. Today however native plums…The History of Plums and Fresh Prunes

  • Celery Root (Celeriac)

    October 4, 2010 - Category: Foods of the Week

    Celeriac is probably more commonly known as celery root. It is a turnip-rooted vegetable, and the root forms a solid knob just below the soil surface. Italian and Swiss botanists gave the first description of celeriac about 1600. It became popular in Europe in the eighteenth century, but has never been popular in England or…Celery Root (Celeriac)

  • Food to beat cancer: DATES

    June 7, 2010 - Category: Foods of the Week

    One food which dates back in prehistoric times is the date. Here is truly a miracle food that has nourished, sustained and probably imparted life to countless travelers over the sands of time. A Food to beat cancer: DATES Good Energy Source While the date is ripened on the tree, the sugar it contains increases…Food to beat cancer: DATES