May 7, 2020 - Category: 9_7-8
We get frequent questions about some health craze that is bombarding the public through media programs and advertising. Right now it is osteoporosis.I watch these presentations on television, aware of the erroneous recommendations for treatment and shudder to think of the harm caused by suggesting that people use artificial calciums to produce bone density when…Wrong Calcium Sources Can Cause Bone Loss By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 9_7-8
How often have you read about using Tums or other antacid preparations to prevent osteoporosis (bone loss)? Perhaps the following research will put this erroneous information to rest.Antacid preparations contain aluminum hydroxide alone or in combination With magnesium hydroxide. Such preparations can do damage to bones.Dr. Herta Spencer of the Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois,…More About Calcium By FACT
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 9_7-8
Ruth Sackman: This next patient has a very interesting and. dramatic case history to tell you about. It's important for you to hear some of these things so that if you're going through one of the therapies, you'll have some guidelines to learn what someone else did, and the experiences were so that you know…June McKie – Recovered Cancer Patient By FACT