May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_3-4
It is well known that worry can produce emotional and/or physical illness. In some cases, it may even be responsible for death. That is why, when an individual dies, someone may say, "He worried himself to death."Worrying is like smoking. People know it's bad, but do it anyway. But worrying is unlike smoking, because people…The Importance of Worrying “A Laugh a Day Keeps Insanity Away” By Albert Schatz, Ph.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_3-4
The first principle of a wise life is work. The entire body must work. All its functions must work. Not one of them must be forgotten. Yet, none must be overburdened to depletion. The misuse of any function at all overeating, sexual excesses, overwork will inevitably lead to untimely old age. Rest from work must…The Prolongation of Life By Alexander A. Bogomolets, M.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_3-4
It is easy to write about the need for a positive mental attitude in coping with severe illness. It is easy to philosophize and to write abstract ideas about attitudes. The main point to consider, however, is: How do people act who do have a positive mental attitude in the face of a serious illness?…Mental Attitude and Cancer By Arthur C. Hochberg, Ph.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 7_3-4
Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Cancer Control Council Los Angeles, California, July 2, 1977ABSTRACTAn immense number of carcinogens are produced and spread throughout our modern technological society. They permeate our air, our food, and our drinking water. Our main source of knowledge about carcinogens still comes from cancer epidemics among industrial workers. Cancer…Environmental Carcinogens of Industrial Origin By Theodor D. Sterling, Ph.D., Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C.