May 7, 2020 - Category: 16_9-10
In the Summer 1998 Cancer Forum (Vol. 15, No. 11112) we published an article from the November/December issue of Gerson Healing Newsletter on the negative aspects of soy called, "Are Soy Products Dangerous?" The following' is another article from the Gerson Healing Newsletter on the subject because even though there has been "considerable research on…Soy – Too Good to Be True By Brandon Finucan and Charlotte Gerson
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 16_9-10
The following is a minimally edited excerpt from The John R. Lee, M.D., Medical Letter, June 1999 issue. Dr. John R. Lee is a long time friend of FACT who has been a featured speaker at many of our Annual Cancer. Nutrition Conventions. A graduate of Harvard University and University of Minnesota Medical School and…Don’t Believe Everything You Hear on the TV News By John R. Lee, M.D.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 16_9-10
Agricultural chemicals aren't just carcinogenic, they're making us aggressive.A report in the journal Toxicology and Industrial Health says that continued exposure to low doses of water-borne weed killers, artificial fertilizer sand pesticides, at levels in US groundwater,cause significant changes in the way we behave. The study, which took medical researchers at the University of Wisconsin…Are They Angry,or Are They Just …Toxic? By The Ecologist