May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_1-2
SOYOur article on the harmful effects of soy in the last issue of Cancer Forum (VOL. 14, NO. 11/12) created quite a stir.Much of the current hoopla celebrating soy as a cancer preventative stems from recent research using only six subjects--young females between the ages of 23 and 29. They were given 12 ounces of…Random Notes By Ruth Sackman
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_1-2
By the shores of Iceberg Lake in the shadow of the Minarèts, I took out the fresh fruit I had hoarded in my pack all week. It was silly to carry the extra weight, of course, but I wanted to splurge. I did feel foolish, though, when reading the little stickers showing that the luncheon…To Every Fruit There Is a Season By Paul Rauber
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 15_1-2
Dr. Bernard Jensen--nutrition expert with over 60 years of clinical experience, author of some 55 books, world lecturer, philosopher/humanist made a triumphant return to the 1996 FACT Annual Cancer/ Nutrition Convention in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A frequent and much beloved speaker at the podium in times past, the doctor had been conspicuously absent for several…Bernard Jensen, D.C. Ph.D: Natural Healing Power By Consuelo Reyes