May 7, 2020 - Category: 14_9-10
As many Cancer Forum readers know, after long years of experience based on observation and patient feedback FACT has concluded that a metabolic repair system is the most effective program for long-term recovery. We discourage patients from adopting numerous adjunctive therapies which can overwhelm the body's healing capability with disastrous results. There are some circumstances,…The Nature of QI Flow By Michael O. Smith, M.D. , D.Ac.
...May 7, 2020 - Category: 14_9-10
FACT networks with many organizations that are working fervently to reduce dependence on pesticides, many of which are carcinogenic and/or hormone disrupting . The following article, reprinted from a publication called Solutions, was sent by one of these groups. It lifted our spirits to know that a political figure, in this case, New York State…NY Attorney General Recommends Hospitals “Kick Their Pesticide Habit” By FACT