Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

The Joy of Hay Fever

According to conventional (allopathic) thinking, hay fever happens when the body is under attack by harmful foreign substances or allergens (e.g. pollens, dust mites, molds, animal dander, etc.), causing distressing reactions like hives, rash, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, sinus pressure. “Experts” recommend taking preparations to block the annoying symptoms — usually antihistamines in the form of pills, nasal sprays, eye drops, or hay fever tablets like Cetirizine, Loratadine, Telfast.

But there’s a completely different way of looking at this so-called affliction. As understood by traditional medical wisdom (Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, et al), hay fever is just one of Nature’s ways of helping us restore and maintain vitality —  and powerful evidence of our body’s innate healing capacity. This way of thinking holds that she (Nature) is not out to get us, but rather to work with us to help us live more according to design.

Read this month’s article: is hay fever really something that should be blocked, dreaded, condemned? Or celebrated?

P.S. An Important note to all those who send us letters, that lovely tradition of actually putting pen to paper in an age of fingers clicking keys. We want to let you know we have a new P.O. Box number. The address is the same (see webpage), but the P.O. Box is now 1172. Our post office has promised us that any letters sent to the old box (1242) (which we’ve had for the last 50 + years!) will be put in the new one. Thanks for all your heartfelt comments, inquiries and for all your generous support. Keep it up! Also, be sure to join us on Facebook, our YouTube channel, and Twitter!