Welcome to the Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #46
HEADS UP to all our FACT friends in the NYC area! On Tuesday, April 22nd at 7:30 pm we’ll be co-hosting a seminar with La Casa Day Spa in Manhattan. The main speaker will be Patricia Bowden-Luccardi, Certified Thermographic Technician and member of Breast Thermography International, the highest standard in the field. Thermography, a non-invasive, radiation-free diagnostic, is more valued than ever now, especially in light of all the recent mainstream medical revelations on the harmful and inaccurate effects of mammography.
Patricia will talk about “Thermographic Imaging” as a safe tool for screening not just breast health, but thyroid abnormalities, lymphatic congestion, nervous system disorders, abdominal inflammation, vascular system analysis, and neuromuscular disorders. She’ll explain how a baseline thermogram compared to periodic scans can act as an early warning system to pinpoint potential problem areas before serious conditions develop, so that lifestyle and other preventive, rather than emergency measures can be taken.
Our FACT president, Consuelo Reyes, Vice President, James Oakar and other trustees will be there, so we’d love to meet you face to face for a change instead of pixel to pixel! No charge! Just healthy nibbles and a lovely plant-rich environment. La Casa, a long-time friend of FACT, is hosting a whole series of lectures this spring, so be sure to check out the full schedule.
Tuesdays in April at 7:30 pm
La Casa Day Spa
41 East 20th Street (between Broadway and Park Avenue South)
New York, NY 10003
Hope to see you there!
To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT™)
P.S. We have brand new pulldown menus which should make site navigation even easier! Also new products on our Product Guide. Thanks, as always, for your great support and “see” you onTwitter, Facebook and our YouTube channel!
Don’t Sit Too Long!
Primitive men and women faced many daily life threatening challenges — the weather, animal predators, the constant search for food and shelter, to name just a few. One thing they didn’t have to worry about was sitting too long in a car, at a desk or on a couch in front of a computer or other electronic device. This is a challenge unique to modern times and it can be life threatening!
An increasing body of studies is showing that prolonged sitting, even for those with a regular exercise program, cannot only cripple posture and contribute to back and neck pain, carpal tunnel and many other physical challenges, but can cause muscle activity needed to breakdown fats and sugars to stall and, thus, unbalance vital metabolic processes affecting enzymatic activity, dulling brain activity, decreasing bone density, increasing blood pressure, inhibiting bowel function, etc. Extended sitting has, in fact, joined smoking and obesity as an important risk factor for chronic illness, in particular cardiovascular disease and cancer.
There is good news, however. Studies also show that these negative effects can be significantly reversed by changing life habits, namely sitting less and moving more! READ MORE
Aphrodisiac Plants?
Can a plant create feelings of arousal, contentment, receptivity? Did Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, design vegetation with sexually appealing traits not only to enhance our health and vigor, but also to ensure our continual interest in procreation of the species?
According to award-winning garden writer, Helen Yoest, the answer is a blushing “yes.” Her new book, Plants with Benefits: An Uninhibited Guide to the Aphrodisiac Herbs, Fruits, Flowers and Veggies in Your Garden, looks at history, folklore and ethnobotany to understand the “hot” reputations of 50 plants. She discovered that some plants derive their “zsa-zsa-zsu” from their suggestive shape. Others affect brain chemistry, increasing flood flow to certain regions. Others mimic human hormones or are affecting simply because of their richness in certain supernutrients. It’s a fun, fact-filled volume, including photos, growing tips, recipes — the first book about the sex appeal of garden plants!
Here are some of the author’s findings, as told to Penelope Green of the New York Times: READ MORE
So What Do You Know About Enzymes?
Most of us have a passing knowledge of vitamins and minerals, but enzymes — the microscopic elements that are essential for breaking down our food components so that nutrients are available for energy, cell production and cell repair — are still a fairly foggy area. When vitamin or mineral deficiencies occur, too often many of us think the answer is simply taking more supplements, but the problem may be inadequate enzymatic activity.
How much do you know? Take the Enzyme Test and find out. A score of 15-17 is very impressive; 12-14 is pretty good; 9-11 is fair; 8 or below means you’ve got some studying to do! (For extra credit, check out the supplementary quiz and suggested reading!) READ MORE
Asparagus Salade Supreme
A daily salad with lots of raw “alive” foods is a great way to give your body life-supporting enzymes and nutrients. The creative possibilities are endless. Here’s just one idea from Doris Sokosh’s book,Triumph Over Cancer — My Recipes for Recovery:
1/2 – 1 lb. thin asparagus stalks, raw or very lightly steamed
2 red peppers, chopped or cut in strips
1 small head Boston or red leaf lettuce
1 – 2 scallions, thinly sliced
4 tablespoons tahini
4 tablespoons lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
enough water (preferably distilled) to make creamy consistency
few dashes cayenne, dill
1. Snap off the fibrous ends of the asparagus. Cut remaining stalks into 1-inch pieces.
2. Arrange lettuce leaves, asparagus and pepper slices on a serving dish.
3. For the dressing: place tahini in a small bowl. Stir in lemon juice, then slowly add water until light and creamy. Stir in seasoning and let set a bit to meld flavors before serving.
4. To serve, pour dressing on the veggies in concentric circles and sprinkle scallions over. Optional: take a picture before serving — the salad won’t last long!