Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #25

Welcome to the Rethinking Cancer NEwsletter #25.

We have a New Video Presentation: Walter Carter, long-term recovered pancreatic cancer patient.

His case history is particularly noteworthy because of the calm, methodical way he went about dealing with his very serious situation. When doctors told him he had maybe 3 months to live, Carter took time to investigate his options and decided that the metabolic (Biorepair) concept made the most sense to him. He underwent limited surgery, then, consulting with various experts, designed a program that suited his body and lifestyle. And then he went on to live another 20 plus years!

His story is a great reminder that healing is not about doing more, taking more, a one-size-fits-all regimen. It’s about the attitude you bring to healing – the peace of mind that comes with trusting and living your convictions.

To your health,

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

P.S. Keep in touch! Sign up to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and thanks, as always, for all your support.

Are Microwaves Compromising Our Health?

By Kashish Gupta

The commercial microwave oven was developed from radar technology after World War II. First marketed as the “Radarange” in 1947, it was too large and expensive for general home use, but when the countertop model was introduced in 1967, microwaving caught on fast. In 1970, 40,000 units were sold in the U.S., growing to one million by 1975. The technology improved, prices came down and soon the microwave became a standard fixture in most American kitchens, as in many other parts of the world. By 1986, about 25% of U.S. households owned one and, according to latest estimates, over 90% of Americans households are zapping their foods.

In short, microwaving has become second nature to a population struggling to keep up with our modern speed dialed world. But is this a good thing? Read More

How to Live to Be 100+!

What are the secrets to a long, healthy life?

National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner, in conjunction with the National Institute on Aging, set out to answer this age-old question by traveling the globe to study “Blue Zones,” communities with the highest concentration of elders who live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. He detailed what he learned in his book Blue Zones.

In this short video, Beuttner talks about the centagenarians he met and the habits and practices they had in common, regardless of climate, language, cultural practices, etc. This is not just interesting anthropological information. It’s about strategies all of us can incorporate that may add years and quality to our lives. Some of his findings might surprise you. Watch the Video

With special thanks to Carlin Ross for sending this our way.

Spice of the Month: Turmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is a spice superstar! Used for nearly 4,000 years in India, first as a dye, then a kitchen staple, the colorful root has been revealing its many medicinal properties over the centuries and now, under intense scientific scrutiny, it’s emerging as one of nature’s most powerful healers.

The spice owes it’s preventive and curative powers to its active ingredient: curcumin, a compound so diverse and powerfully rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that it has been shown to protect and improve virtually every organ of the body. Currently, studies are focusing on its potential to lower the incidence and severity of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, etc., though over 50 healing actions – from pain relief to improved circulation – have been noted. Read More

Turmeric Tea

Here’s an easy way to up your daily turmeric intake – an invigorating tea with an extra kick! (makes 2 cups)

  • 2 cups (preferably distilled) water
  • 1/2 tsp. powdered turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp. peeled and grated fresh ginger root (or powdered, but fresh gives a more lively flavor)
  • maple syrup or raw honey to taste
  • lemon juice to taste
  1. Bring the water to boil, then add the two spices. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain the liquid, add maple syrup (or honey), lemon and stir. Drink warm.