Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

alternative cancer therapies

  • What Causes Cancer?

    January 28, 2010 - Category: News

    So, what does cause cancer? After examining data on 44,788 pairs of twins, researchers report that, in most cases, environmental factors have the greatest effect on cancer risk. As reported in New England Journal of Medicine, researchers studied twins listed in Swedish, Danish, and Finnish registries, concluding that inherited genetic factors make a minimal contribution…What Causes Cancer?

  • Are mammograms and Pap smears effective?

    December 10, 2009 - Category: News

    The current hullabaloo about new recommendations to delay the use of mammograms and Pap smears is just part of a huge debate afoot in the medical establishment about the value of cancer screening tests in general-mammography, PSA, Pap Test, CT Scan, etc. There is widening concern that too often false-positives result or non-threatening tumours may…Are mammograms and Pap smears effective?