Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Iced Turmeric Lemonade

Iced turmeric lemonade combines the flavor of earthy turmeric with fresh lemon and natural sweetness for a surprisingly delicious, salubrious drink. A spice superstar, turmeric has long been known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which benefit virtually every organ of the body. Current studies focus on it’s potential to lower the incidence and severity of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and to improve blood sugar balance, support kidney function, lessen the severity of arthritis and some digestive disorders.

  • 1 cup pure water (preferably distilled)
  • 3/4 cup of ice
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (or more to taste)
  • 1/2 -1 tsp. teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon stevia drops (or more to taste), or about a teaspoon of other natural
  • sweetener like raw honey, maple syrup, etc.
  • tiny pinch of black pepper (increases the benefits of turmeric)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until ice is completely blended in.
  2. Let rest about 30 seconds before pouring. Serve over more ice, if you like.
  3. Drink immediately for peak flavor and potency.

You can also substitute limes for lemons; for oranges, double the juice and reduce the water by 1/4 cup.

Thanks to Wellness Mama for this recipe!