Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Fasting A Real Health Experience By Leo Roy, M.D., N.D.

Fasting allows the body physiology the rest it requires to regenerate lost vitalities and youthfulness. Fasting brings about body changes which promote elimination of accumulated body wastes and toxic materials that have been interfering with vibrant, healthy living. If you have never tried fasting before, you have not experienced awareness and pleasure of renewed life coming back to your body, mind, and even your emotions.

Fasting means eliminating all solid foods for a time sufficient to allow the body to flush out abnormal chemicals and the debris of cells which constantly die by the millions the toxins which cause illness when they accumulate. Fasting is a valuable means of making possible the restoration of body biochemistry and balance.

Fasting is not starvation, nor is it unnatural. All animals instinctively stop eating when sick until they feel better. Most people fear missing a meal, as if to do so might cause harm. With this attitude we deprive ourselves of a valuable healing tool.

Our body often tries to suggest a fast by “turning off’ the appetite. Disease chemicals in the body have actually reached levels where they paralyze certain appetite centers in the brain. The lack of desire for food is saying “stop, give me (your body) a rest and a chance to clear out dangerous elements in the blood and cells!”

Always listen to your body. But when you do do not do it blindly. Do not read up on a system or philosophy of healing and apply it to your body without first knowing what your body nature is what its needs are, its weak points, and the specific cause and nature of problems you want to normalize.

Fasting should not be done without a prior health evaluation or without awareness of deficiencies and inadequacies of all body functions liver, glands, and the organs of elimination and restoration without knowing the state of your body chemistry.

The system whereby each person, including you, should fast must necessarily be individualized. It must include compensating supplements for each body need. It must be followed with continuous awareness of body changes from day to day. It must be worked out so that you can obtain maximum health advantages, without any real side effects or detriments to any part of your body.


The time is right when everything says “GO” for a good fast. Your state of mind is positive, deficiencies are being corrected and your health program has been worked out. For best results preliminary fasting preparation is important. A simple preparation includes one or two days of:

Taking herbal laxatives to flush out surplus intestinal poisons and wastes.

A diet of only fresh fruits and vegetables preferably uncooked or undercooked, and a lot of fruit and vegetable juices.

Faithfully taking all supplements required to correct any body deficiencies.

After fulfilling the above you are ready for a 24 hour preliminary fast. It involves leaving out food from supper one day to supper the next day no breakfast, no lunch, except liquids or juices.

If your body is not ready, if the fasting would be too difficult for you, you will experience a real hangover miserable feelings, headaches, sickly feelings, loss of energy. These are not the result of lack of food. You will be able to accept this when you fast again later. It is actually withdrawal symptoms resulting from body poisons passing into the blood on their way to being flushed out of the body. The blood goes to the brain. The brain is poisoned by these toxins, wastes and causes of disease.

If this is your experience, eat fruits and salads after 24 hours then go back on regular but good foods for the next week. You can then prepare for another fast and try again. This can be done weekly if necessary. When you can pass the first 24 hours tolerably, getting through the discomforts without serious difficulty then continue on the fasting program which follows, until the time is right to stop.


Permitted and prescribed liquids:

  • 1-2 teaspoons only of fresh squeezed lemon juice in distilled water to which has been added 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Distilled water. Herbal teas. The best are peppermint, chamomile or others helpful for digestion or the stomach. Make with distilled water and honey. Do not use sugar.
  • Grape juice or papaya juice.
  • Take no more than 4 or 5 normal glasses of any juice or honey containing drink in a day.
  • Water can be taken at any time. The more the better.
  • Vegetable juices.


If you have had serious intestinal problems, bowel elimination is quite important. Take any herbal laxative formula, or Carter’s Little Liver Pills.

Cholacol tablets (a brand of bile) is to be used whenever hunger is too much for you, or when bowel movements are not dark brown.

Cataplex AC (totally natural vitamin-enzyme preparation) is important for handling body toxins. Take 3-6 per day.

Most detoxification and body normalization take place in the liver. The liver carries most of the fasting load. Don’t let it get exhausted. When you feel miserable and depleted, usually the liver is also. Best supplements are Betacol, Hepatrophin or formula 17606. Your doctor will indicate the best one for you. Take 1 or 2 a day.

Cell waste products require digestion even in tissue levels. One or two tablets a day of enzymes greatly increase efficiency of elimination and detoxification.

If fasting during very hot weather, you may perspire excessively. Add a little sea salt to distilled water to replace minerals lost through the skin.

If you are subject to a lot of intestinal gas, take acidophilus tablets; they neutralize the gas. Take each time you pass wind. Take enough to completely eliminate the gas. Intestinal gas can be as toxic as a drug.

Springreen or Catalyn are food concentrates which contain all the vitamins and enzymes and intrinsic factors required for sustaining peak well-being and detoxification processes.

Most books on fasting say do not take anything during fasting. Most wisdom on fasting was developed in the past when food was nourishing and people had health reserves. Food contained trace minerals and enzymes and everything required to maintain health. This has changed so radically in recent years that changes in our thinking and handling of fasting should take place also, and compensate for deficiencies that would turn a fast into a period of starvation. Twenty Springreen a day or 5 Catalyn a day may double both the efficiency, tolerability and comfort of fasting and make it a gratifying experience.


Weakness, dizziness, faintness, or headaches indicate a build-up of toxins in the blood or a need for more glucose. The body needs proper quality sugars to burn up toxins the same as we need air to burn up wood or fuel. At such times take, quickly, another glass of liquid with honey or a juice. If energies do not return quickly and a feeling of relief from the discomforts is not definitely experienced, then intense intestinal flushing out enemas may be indicated.

Constipation may be a reaction to fasting. It is usual to have no bowel movements after the first or second day. If you are fasting routinely, that is, have no serious ailment, especially involving digestion or the intestines, and fasting for only 3 to 5 days, then do not be concerned.

If constipation accompanies any discomfort just mentioned, or if any other complications or markedly upsetting body changes are experienced, then it becomes important to persist in the use of herbal laxatives, enemas or cholacol tablets already mentioned.

Consult your doctor about enemas.


There is no pat answer. The answer varies with individuals, with specific needs of the body and severity of the ailments. Listen to your body and consult with your doctor frequently. He will interpret the body’s reactions and guide you for the best results.

As a rule of thumb, persist in fasting as long as you feel some improvement from day to day, or at least a continuing feeling of well-being. When weakness, fatigue, or marked hunger increase, and you are not feeling as good as the day before, it is time to consider stopping the fast. Report all reactions to your doctor.

What does one usually expect during fasting?

  • First day: Headaches, fatigue, feelings of a hangover.
  • Second day: Much relief. Less fatigue, hunger, feeling low.
  • Third day: Starting to feel better less fatigue, less hunger.
  • Fourth-Fifth days: Starting to feel good head clearer, less craving for food, energy good.

After this a slow steady improvement in health until a peak is reached.

Is rest compulsory or required during fasts? Not necessarily, unless it is a long fast like 15 days or more. Resting is the only time the body heals. If you have had severe ailments, resting is advisable, but they need not be forced rests. When you feel really good, live normally.


  • First snack: Vegetable juices or fruits.
  • Second snack: Fruits and vegetable salads or homemade vegetable soup.
  • Third snack: Add to the above to satisfy your cravings.
  • Next, back to normal, natural, good quality meals.

Fastings should not be undertaken during times of extreme exhaustion, tension, emotional difficulties or any upset. Do not fast over 3-4 days if you fear a fast.


Normally weight loss is little and slow. Any quick, marked loss of weight means merely that the body has lost much toxic wastes which were stored in the tissues little of the tissue itself has broken down.

If you are underweight and fear losing more, rest assured that a healthy body normally returns to a weight level that is healthiest for your body.