The regulator gene produces a specific cytoplasmic product, the repressor, which inhibits protein synthesis. Mutation in the regulator gene results in the production of an inactive repressor. This leads to the start of cancer.
Excessive amounts of zinc and copper are harmful as they can induce cancer by producing electrochemical processes in chromosomes, together with cysteine and histidine (amino acids).
Especially zinc is a highly carcinogenic metal during mitosis (cell division). Destruction of nucleotides pairs seems to be necessary for the development of cancer. The inception of cancer takes place in the duplication of D.N.A. Small amounts of heavy metals are involved with cysteine and tryptophane in the inception of tumors.
Zinc and copper are very significant in the coiling and uncoiling of D.N.A. molecules, but excessive zinc and copper, accumulated in civilized man’s body from drinking water and foods containing these metals are harmful, as they can induce cancer by producing electrochemical processes in chromosomes. Zinc and copper form with cysteine and histidine (amino acids) in a bind of a network around the chromosomes.
We must pay serious attention to the highly carcinogenic properties of zinc of which full evidence has been attained only recently.
Cancer patients show considerable higher copper values than healthy persons, according to Doanth (Copper and cancer, 1971. Protectio Vitae 1-71 (81). Cysteine and tryptophane have the greatest relative photochemical lability of amino acids and so they are the most effective carcinogens. (Birks, J. B. Nature 190, 232. 1961) (Schoental, R. J. Chem. Soc., 1683. 1949).
The investigation of Prof. E. Halme shows the significance of tryptophane and its metabolites in the development of cancer. Tryptophane metabolism in cancerous animals is apparently disturbed.
In all cases examined the malignant tumor tissue contained tryptophane and cysteine, unlike the residual protein in normal tissue. This is very characteristic of these tissues.
There are numerous examples which show that tryptophane and its metabolites are located in just those tissues in which cancer develops. The carcinogenic mechanism might involve an intermolecular resonance between a carcinogen and some important cellular constituents, mainly cysteine, tryptophane, zinc and copper.
Hypercupremia (increased copper) in cancer has been described by many authors. General hypercupremia is present in 74 to 84 per cent of cancerous patients. In normal practice, it appears to be a valuable contribution to diagnosis if it can be observed at an early stage of carcinoma.
Reprinted from Herald of Health.
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