Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Protein By Dr. Jean Meyer

The controversy over high protein versus low protein seems to have abated. Now, perhaps, we can examine the protein picture more realistically. It is one of the essential nutrients but that doesn’t mean that large quantities are better than adequate amounts. Too much protein puts a strain on the body’s protein digesting capacity.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 56 grams (about 2 ounces) for a male with allowances for the man’s size and degree of activity. The RDA for a non-nursing, non-pregnant female is about 46 grams with allowances for size and activity. This is equivalent to about 1.6 ounces.

Excess protein, according to Prof. med. Lothor Wendt, is stored around the cell membrane. This excess protein can reach a density which can block cell permeability so that it cannot absorb nourishment or oxygen competently. It is one of the reasons why nutritional doctors use pancreatic enzymes as part of a nutritional regimen. The other reason is to replace the enzymes if the pancreas has been overworked and is not producing enough enzymes for protein metabolism.

It might be useful having the following list of protein values as a guide for protein intake to be sure one is getting an adequate amount without overdoing it. And it is also wise to avoid being too rigid or too careful because this builds tension and tension plays havoc with the endocrine system. Small amounts differing with the RDA are not significant and will not make the difference between health and sickness, so relax.

Variety provides the body with greater value because there are other ingredients besides protein in the food which nature has meant for the human system, and many different proteins will provide the body with all of the essential amino acids necessary for building healthy cells.

almonds 10
brazil nuts 8
cashews 9
filberts 7
pecans 5
walnuts 8

LEGUMES (2 ounces)
peanuts 16
dried peas 15
dried chickpeas 11
dried lima beans 4.5

GRAINS (2 ounces)
barley 5
millet 5
brown rice 4
bran 8
rice polish 7
rye 7
wheat 8
raw wheat germ 16
1 cup of milk 9
1 ounce of meat 7
1 egg 6
1 tablespoon of peanut butter 4
1 slice of whole wheat bread 3
1 cup of spinach 5
1 stalk of broccoli 6
1 medium baked potato 3
1 cup of yogurt 8
3 1/2 ounces of most cooked vegetables 2 to 4

Some of the figures were computed from COMPOSITION OF FOODS by Heritage Press and from an article by Dr. Jean Meyer.