Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Plaza Santa Maria and Hippocrates Health Institute of San Diego By Ruth Sackman

I’m sitting in the Los Angeles Airport, waiting for my flight back to New York, ready to report to you about what’s new, what’s promising, what’s available and simply what is interesting.

FACT always tries to have a first-hand investigation of any new opportunities that appear for the cancer patient.

The main purpose for the trip to the West Coast was to visit Plaza Santa Maria, a newly-opened Laetrile Clinic under the direction of Dr. Frank B. Watts, a homeopathic physician, and the Hippocrates Health Institute of San Diego.

Eydie Mae and Am Hunsberger met me at the San Diego Airport when I arrived from Los Angeles. They had agreed to accompany me to Mexico to visit Plaza Santa Maria. Our first destination, though, was the Hippocrates Health Institute of San Diego, in Lemon Grove, California. This is a beautiful, restful place under the direction of Raychel Solomon, a slim, dynamic woman, who seems to have an innate sense of the biological process most likely to generate a restoration of health. She has sincere empathy for those people making the struggle. This is a raw food program specializing in wheat grass and sprouts.

I was impressed by the grounds with its many varieties of flowers, the serene atmosphere, the lecture schedule, the accommodations and the efficient arrangement of growing and processing the wheat grass into juice. The marvelous southern California climate allows the growth of the wheat grass outdoors exposed to shaded sunlight. The more we utilize nature’s gifts, the better.

The room accommodations were spacious, pleasant and comfortable. Some units had balconies and fireplaces. These were the most expensive, deluxe suites renting for up to $225.00 to $250.00 per person per week (double occupancy was less per week per person), but there were modest facilities, such as dorms serving three in a room, for as low as $145 per week. For those who were willing and able to work four hours per day, there was a special dorm arrangement for $100.00 per week. Accommodations ranged from $100.00 per week per person to $145, $175, $190, $225 and $250. There was an opportunity for all to have the advantage of being able to revitalize their health in wonderful surroundings with healthful food.

I sat in on one of the series of lectures so essential to the whole process of getting well and remaining so. Pat Wing, a registered nurse, dealt with elimination, an extremely important function, all too often given limited attention elsewhere, but not by Pat at Hippocrates. She explained in detail, and with visuals, the four avenues of elimination – colon, kidneys, skin and lungs – and systems to make them function more efficiently. It is important to note, too, that there is a colon therapist renting space on the premises. If you don’t already understand the value of colon therapy, I suggest you read Dr. N.W. Walker’s latest book, “Colon Health”. You’ll then understand how difficult it is for the body to maintain health and certainly difficult to restore health as long as it is loaded with accumulated wastes of all kinds. It’s like a house with crumbling plaster; you can’t put up new walls until you clear away the decayed debris.

Hippocrates is far from being only for those with health problems. It is a marvelous place for busy people to use the way Europeans use health spas to restore their vitality periodically.

Our next stop was Plaza Santa Maria located thirty minutes south of Tijuana, Mexico, on the Ensenada toll road which runs along the Pacific Ocean. It’s an exquisite site with newly-decorated very comfortable rooms and some facilities with kitchens and sitting rooms for families. There is a heated swimming pool and tennis courts for guests. For those who accompany a patient but prefer to eat differently, there is a fine restaurant on the premises. Plaza Santa Maria is a resort as well as a clinic for patients wanting Laetrile therapy.

We had a long visit with Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, an oncologist, who impressed us greatly with his acceptance of the biological concept of cancer and, therefore, his treatment approach which coincides with the concept. Nutritional programs are designed for the cancer patient and special consideration is given to the use of non toxic materials only.

Dr. Rodriguez is a specialist in nuclear diagnostic techniques. This type of diagnostic testing should be accepted only when there is an absolute necessity for it because the diagnosis is essential for the treatment. It is important for the cancer patient to avoid, either by injection or ingestion, substances that are not biologically sound.

We talked about many things until the hour grew late; then we made our departure from Plaza Santa Maria. Ann and Eydie Mae Hunsberger talked about a doctor they had visited in Greece who claims to have a method for treating cancer successfully. As with all new information, we’ll wait until we have additional feedback and conclusive evidence of the efficacy of the treatment. Ann and Eydie Mae are trying to arrange some research in the United States. This will be watched with interest and, if it shows merit, we’ll be sure to let you know about it through Cancer Forum.