Over the past decade several health and preventive medical centers have used fever therapy in the treatment of chronic viruses. Infectious Mononucleosis is a disease associated with a virus. Some cases become chronic and seem to produce a state of a lack of energy, aches and pains, recurrent lymph node enlargement, and reduced immunity. Previously called Chronic Mono, this syndrome now is recognized as associated with the Epstein Barr Virus. And this syndrome lends itself well to treatment using hyperthermia. At the Polar Spring Health Institute we do not elevate the body temperature to those extremely high or dangerous ranges. One hundred three to one hundred four degrees F is sufficient elevation of fever to produce an antiviral response. We in fact have seen lymph node swelling go down, both in Chronic EB Syndrome and certain types of lymphoma. Treatments are given on a 3-5 days a week basis for an initial series of two weeks. In other words, ten to fourteen treatments are needed to gain the initial response in a chronic, long-standing infection. In combination with an active exercise program, adequate rest, and the cessation of toxic treatments such as tobacco, alcohol, and psychoactive drug dependencies, a diet of natural foods with emphasis on those nutrients particularly designed to enhance the immune system. We Have seen many patients over the last five years improve in their response, their energies and in some cases almost dramatically receive a “new lease on life.”
It is our view at Poland Spring that the selective use of fever therapy has a definite role in the treatment of Chronic Epstein Barr Syndrome, recently renamed Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, and other viral conditions such as Herpes Zoster (shingles), some of the autoimmune diseases such as active rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis, and especially lupus. In treating lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, some chronic leukemias, and Sarcoidosis fever therapy may well prove to be a prime therapy, particularly for those patients who have chosen to use this modality first in preference to chemotherapy or other toxic experimental drugs.
As our experience broadens and the literature increases in scientific understanding, we will share further what can be done for these challenging and fascinating cases of chronic, disabling, and life threatening illnesses.