Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Lyme Disease – Nuclear Virus By Monroe E. Burton D.C.

With the spring comes the outbreak of billboards, newspaper articles and exhibits about Lyme Disease (sometimes referred to as Son of AIDS) and how to protect yourself against the Death-Dealing Deer Ticks. But the book Deadly Deceit, by Jay M. Gould and Benjamin A. Goldman (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1990), presents a different story. Here the authors show that the “disease” resulted from a radiation leak at the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant in Waterford, Conn., a few miles east of Lyme in 1975, and the deer-tick theory was hoked up as a cover story.

During the mid-1960’s, as the authors describe, there was a boom in the construction of nuclear power plants, with little attention paid to safety. Among the new reactors built were Three Mile Island, Peach Bottom and Millstone. These had been among the most troublesome, with Millstone second to Three Mile Island in emissions of fission products. Millstone started operating in 1967, and Haddam Neck, 25 miles northwest, in 1971. After 1970, researchers began to notice increases in cancer mortality rates varying inversely with the distance from the reactors.

Between 1970 and 1975, cancer mortality increased by 58% in Waterford Township, home of Millstone, by 44% in New London, 5 miles east, and 12% statewide. After 1975, cancer mortality statistics for these areas disappeared.

Lyme Disease, named after the town of Old Lyme, 10 miles west of Millstone, was first reported in November 1975 when two children were diagnosed as having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The parents also reported that there were other cases of the same condition in the town of Lyme. In 1975, which was the year of a massive radiation leak from Millstone, the number of cases in Connecticut, now called Lyme Disease, was 59, and by 1985 it had increased to 863, mostly in Middlesex and New London Counties. For some reason, the disease was referred to as tick-borne rather than nuclear-power borne. Lyme disease was said to be “carried” by a spirochete that had not been harmful to humans before 1975.

A flier from the Hunterdon County (N.J.) Health Department titled “Lyme Disease An Emerging Public Health Concern,” describes Lyme Disease as an infection caused by a spirochete, a type of bacterium, “carried” by ticks and “transmitted” to animals and humans by tick bites. The flier refers to Lyme Disease as “a great imitator” because of its “ability to mimic a wide variety of other illnesses.” From 3 to 32 days after the tick bite, flu-like symptoms develop such as fever, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, stiff neck or vomiting, and in about 50% of cases, a rash, either at the site of the tick bite or elsewhere on the body. To add to this, the flyer states serious complications can arise if the illness is left untreated. Early symptoms disappear but are followed by more serious problems later. These complications can include chronic arthritis, heart problems and nervous system disorders. The Lyme spirochete is said to be implicated in birth defects, miscarriages and delayed development in children. The recommended treatment is oral antibiotics for early infections and intravenous antibiotics for long-term infections. Chronic cases may require extended antibiotic treatment.

Another and more elaborate brochure, from the American Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc., suggests the best way to control ticks is to use insecticides such as Durban, Sevin and Tempo. Apparently the only safe environment is Astroturf lawns with plastic shrubbery, under a dome saturated with insecticide and nuclear radiation, that is not a habitat for any known life form.

The reason that Lyme Disease is called a “great imitator” that mimics a wide variety of other illnesses” is that Lyme Disease is an imaginary illness, and the symptoms it “mimics” are those of toxicity, poisoning and radiation sickness.

The original Lyme Disease was radiation sickness from the 1975 leak at the Millstone nuclear power plant. Similar symptoms, described as flu-like, which are recognizable as supplementary processes of waste elimination, are the body’s defenses against poisoning. In particular, flu-like symptoms are attributable to insecticide contamination. In that way, the recommendation of pesticide use to defend against ticks is self-fulfilling. The time of year that most Lyme cases are reported coincides with the spring and summer orgy of poison spraying that is done as a Reverse Rite of Spring to deaden the re-emergence of Nature’s life force which is so threatening to characterarmored people.

The authors of Deadly Deceit suggest that radiation caused the spirochete, claimed to be tickborne, to mutate and therefore cause Lyme Disease.

What about the mysterious spirochete? Since bacteria are pleomorphic, that is, they change form as their culture medium changes, nuclear contamination produced as a new kind of biologic waste material that the bacteria adapted themselves to culture and decompose. It is the toxic environment and not the spirochete that causes sickness.

In conclusion, the most rapidly-growing diseases at the present time, besides Lyme Disease, according to the popular media, are AIDS, Epstein-Bart Virus, Candida albicans, Herpes and Septicemia. These are all immune-deficiency conditions, whose rise coincides with the general deterioration of the living environment. Chief offenders are high and low level radiation; poisoning from pesticides, drugs and industrial wastes; malnutrition from chemicalized and preserved junk foods and soil depletion; and a general buildup of entropy for excessive energy consumption by the hell-fires of industry. This doesn’t leave much hope, but at least you don’t have to get sucked into the Lyme Disease panic and voluntarily poison yourself and your living environment any further.