Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Look After Your Liver By John Tobe

If you are having a problem that concerns the liver, I have a bit of good news for you.

You know the lowly, ordinary beet? Yeah, yeah, I mean the kind that you grow in the garden, which nobody but nobody eats raw except Tobe.

Well, listen. I’ve got some important news for you about this lowly vegetable. Beets are a wonderful food. They are probably one of the best detoxicants known, especially for the liver and glands. And remember, the liver is the most important organ in your body.

You can get along on a heart that has leaks and many other problems, but you won’t get by very long on a liver that isn’t working right.

One of the best ways and means of detoxifying your liver is to use beets. I didn’t say beet juice, although beet juice is all right. I say beets. I can’t say that beets are delicious, or delectable, but they are quite edible and I eat a few slices raw fairly regularly. When they are young and tender , they can be sliced and added to a salad. When they get old, they are rather tough, and can be shredded for a salad.

If you try drinking beet juice, stay close to your “can” because it’ll go through you like greased lightning. ‘However, in a couple of days, you’ll get used to it. But don’t take too much at a time.

If you want to use the juice, use the amount from one small beet with your carrot and/or other juice. Of course, you can mix other juices with your beet juice to make it more palatable.

However, it’s preferable to use beets in salad rather than beet juIce. This will help keep your liver toned up.

If at the same time you avoided all meat or fish, the clean up job would be faster and better.

Edit. Note: Avoid meat and fish only if you are on a specific cleansing program for a specific period of time.